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Everything posted by mapplewhite132

  1. any updates on this situation other than chicken fried steaks? Went three pages back but all I see is CFS, gravy, and some RATs
  2. Pepper thy angus
  3. good riddance
  4. Thanks @hornfan785!
  5. Thanks for the input guys. I was thinking about buying local at Bernard Watch as its down the street from my office. I know I'd pay sales tax but I have more comfort buying local. I did see some brand new watches at Jomashop for really good prices and no tax, but was a little spooked of buying online. Here's an example: https://www.jomashop.com/omega-watch-210-30-42-20-06-001.html
  6. Thinking about picking up a seamaster as my first “nice” watch. I’m located in Austin. Does it make sense to spend the extra $500 or so to buy from an AD with a warranty? Would like a Rolex but understand that market is borked
  7. Birria tacos with smoked beef cheeks
  8. Got a 10 wt sector and an Abel SDS (probably the one troph passed on at sportsman’s finest…)
  9. Do you know how to double haul? If not that's probably worth learning - huge help with saltwater fly fishing.
  10. Anyone have thoughts on a LA bull red fly rod setup? I have an orvis 7wt and a scott 8wt, would like this next rod to be good for bull reds in Louisiana and big permit/smaller tarpon in Belize. Have been thinking about another scott in 10wt plus a nautilus reel.
  11. Free fly...wearing a pair now
  12. Please tell me what kind of idiot gives their REAL id to a high school kid making minimum wage at the kayak stand? I'd have thought you might understand how important your REAL id is but apparently you have no fucking clue what kind of REAL shit you carry around in your pocket
  13. Remind me to never let you near my business
  14. Used to be a fanboi but southwest is expensive now and a PITA to get seats together with family.
  15. checking in. 360 and 2222 by bull creek across 2222 from county line
  16. I bought a new Lariat from Mac Haik Ford back in late March and got about 10% off sticker price. Looking now they have less than half the inventory they did 7 weeks ago and all the trucks are now advertised at sticker price.
  17. In 78731 and my home does not have a gasline...everything is electric. Same with my neighbors. Is a whole home generator feasible for me? I'm guessing I'd need a propane or nat gas storage tank on site as well as the generator?
  18. Have heard from Acho's former teammates that he was an insufferable douche. Anyone remember when he was calling Texas players trash on LHN?
  19. I also worked with Carl and my shed is bad ass.
  20. My appraised value went up 35% and my taxable value went up 24%. I have a homestead and called to ask why my increase wasn't capped at 10%....the lady told me it was a "mistake" and would be fixed in a month or so. Fucking racket
  21. My last trip was in November 2019, but I'd say it will be spotty and closer to 2mbps than 30mbps
  22. Hell yes brother...but don't expect many deals on 21s. Inventory is incredibly low and looks to stay that way for a while. You should get top dollar on your 15 though.
  23. It was a 4x4 302a with aftermarket leather added. Only 34K miles. Would have probably had 45-50K miles if covid never happened.
  24. yeah this game keeps getting worse. I have a ton of playtime and find myself avoiding the game now
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