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Everything posted by mapplewhite132

  1. Went with the 3.5 eco. It’s a 4x4 501a. The ride is incredible so far
  2. Just traded my 2018 XLT for a 21 Lariat at Mac Haik Houston. Paid 39.2K for the XLT in 2018 and traded it in for $35K! The lariat was pricey but I couldn't pass up the trade offer on my 2018. Inventory is a shit show right now and I tried to buy a few different trucks before I landed on the Lariat.
  3. Had ABC do this for me 2 weeks ago...my lawn looks amazing already. I was going to do it myself but buying the compost alone was going to be more expensive than paying abc. I assume they get it much cheaper with volume.
  4. Haha my sister was one of the bidders on this house
  5. Just booked a trip to El Pescador for early May. Excited to fly fish after a year of very little fishing pressure.
  6. Why is the Mobo $800? Also, if you're spending that much and going RGB you might as well get a Kraken z73 cooler with the lcd screen. I have it and it looks awesome.
  7. that sucks man im sorry. been hearing similar stories in austin lately
  8. This site is full of regards
  9. Discord does work and I was lucky enough to get a 3080 founders edition by following a stock tracking discord. Lately I've had even better success using the HotStock app. Over the weekend I was able to get a 5800X, 5900X, and Xbox Series X using the HotStock app. The discord stock bot I was following didn't notify me on any of those drops but hotstock did.
  10. MSRP - $449 + $37.04 tax = $486.04
  11. Anyone in Austin looking for a Ryzen 5800X? I got one through amazon and then a few hours later was able to get a 5900X, which is what I really wanted. Planning to return the 5800X but would be happy to sell to someone local at cost.
  12. Another tip is to be signed in to your amazon, best buy, target, etc accounts with your payment information saved. You don't want to mess with that stuff when you get an in stock alert.
  13. Yeah that sounds typical but just keep trying. It took me about 10 attempts to check out at best buy before it would go through. I also was able to get a new AMD cpu that is extremely tough to find right now. Tooks 3 or 4 notifications before I got one.
  14. For those still hunting, try the HotStock app for iphone. Got a series x from best buy within a few hours of installing the app.
  15. Do not spend $700 on a 2070 super
  16. Plunder is a joke compared to battle royale
  17. sweet tim tebus wtf is that
  18. Yes it’s fantastic
  19. got an order in for a 3080 founders edition last night from nvida. fingers crossed it doesn't get cancelled.
  20. This. Wounding an animal and not finding it is probably the worst part of hunting.
  21. quick update - covert performed some ford service bulletin and the noise has gone away for now. I'm slightly gruntled at this point. I've bought 3 new fords from mac haik in houston and had a good experience each time. They will fuck you big time if you show up without doing your homework though. I got 25% off on a new f150, then 20% off a new F150 an 20% off a new expedition. Basically just paid internet price without haggling much.
  22. Yep they said they wouldn't take it since we had taken it to covert first. I didn't push very hard because it's such a beating dealing with these guys. My next step is to get ford involved
  23. I called Mac Haik Georgetown and they literally refused to accept my vehicle...warranty is cool until you have to actually use it.
  24. Anyone had any problems with the 10 speed transmission from Ford/GM? I have it in my F150 and havent really had any issues other than some jerky shifts in traffic. My wife has an expedition with the 10 speed and it started making a clunk noise at 6K miles when you shift into or out of 4th gear. It's at Covert ford in Austin and holy shit are these guys incompetent. I'm worried the expedition might just be a lemon.
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