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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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brown water last won the day on February 25 2019

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  1. Yeah. Ribeye is still my favorite but circumstances dictate a different choice
  2. They intend to release each of their unique mashbill as single barrels proofed to 100 like the OBSV has been for as long as I can remember. I think the first three are 2 low ryes (OESK and OESO) and a high rye OBSF. It is my understanding none of these replace the barrel proofs typically released as private barrels. https://www.breakingbourbon.com/bourbon-whiskey-press-releases/four-roses-distillery-unveils-single-barrel-collection-honoring-20-years-of-single-barrel-excellence
  3. Well shit. I stirred today
  4. Redparations?
  5. Settling in for the Blizzard of 2025
  6. Not like we’re pining to add 19 handicaps to the stable 😆. Do second the blended iron set. I’ve got player improvement 4-5i, tour 6-8i and essentially blades 9i-GW. Plan to replace my driver this year. Think I’ve aged out of the Epic Triple Diamond with a TX shaft.
  7. Also there are a few cases of this in Kingwood for ~$90
  8. Grabbed this today. And a few more pedestrian bottles.
  9. Will need to break in the Christmas loot soon…
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