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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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brown water last won the day on February 25 2019

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3877 Surly 10%

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  1. Just trying to have a peaceful meal at home. Savages.
  2. Funny how republicans use fraud and waste interchangeably but stand on legal distinctions between rape and sexual assault
  3. Yeah. Ribeye is still my favorite but circumstances dictate a different choice
  4. They intend to release each of their unique mashbill as single barrels proofed to 100 like the OBSV has been for as long as I can remember. I think the first three are 2 low ryes (OESK and OESO) and a high rye OBSF. It is my understanding none of these replace the barrel proofs typically released as private barrels. https://www.breakingbourbon.com/bourbon-whiskey-press-releases/four-roses-distillery-unveils-single-barrel-collection-honoring-20-years-of-single-barrel-excellence
  5. Well shit. I stirred today
  6. Redparations?
  7. Settling in for the Blizzard of 2025
  8. Not like we’re pining to add 19 handicaps to the stable 😆. Do second the blended iron set. I’ve got player improvement 4-5i, tour 6-8i and essentially blades 9i-GW. Plan to replace my driver this year. Think I’ve aged out of the Epic Triple Diamond with a TX shaft.
  9. Also there are a few cases of this in Kingwood for ~$90
  10. Grabbed this today. And a few more pedestrian bottles.
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