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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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brown water last won the day on February 25 2019

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3787 Surly 10%

About brown water

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  1. Arrived just in time. Deciding between course and game for tomorrow
  2. I’m going the opposite direction of other replies. Something physical isn’t showing up on holes 8-9, resolving itself holes 10-15 and resurfacing 16-18. Especially if you aren’t doing something midround to impact decline and improvement cycle. Sounds like someone grinding to get back to where you were and pressing when the prize is within reach. That’s a good thing. You’ll get comfortable with the pressure and then overcome it. You’ll be better for having done so. When shot my best side (32)and my best round (68), I was more proud of not screwing up the last hole or 2 than what came before. But I had to shit the bed several times and learn how to handle the nerves.
  3. Biding time and sipping whiskey so dinner will be ready around kickoff
  4. Ugh. I’m making that for me tonight. Had one left from a (presumably non psycho) gathering Friday night. Indirect heat then sear then finish in oven / smoker to medium rare minus. Round 1 indirect heat
  5. Come to the capitol - 1A Its going to be wild - 1A The election was stollen - 1A Fight like hell - 1A I was sexually assaulted - Death
  6. @BigDHornfan @msudawg Cheers!
  7. Just getting home from a smooth 80 on the links this morning. I’ll crack the seal and send a virtual toast back at you soon. Hook em
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