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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by brown water

  1. In his defense Kyler has never seen Larry at eye level before
  2. While I think the intentional mispronunciation of names is childish, I’d truly enjoy if Harris Walz routinely called him Don-Old
  3. This is not a solicitation but to all you investors in high tech Appalachia, I’d like to discuss snow ski resorts in Galveston
  4. Never cook on charcoal. Sear on cast iron. Usually finish to temperature in the oven. Charcoal and /or some wood chunks to smoke more for flavor than actually cooking. It’s an intermediate step that’s nice but not essential.
  5. Surprise visit from our (no pics) daughter. She doesn’t get much red meat in Boulder
  6. So we have been getting by during a fairly substantial remodel that took our kitchen offline. Finally starting to get back to normal. First cook in the nearly complete new digs.
  7. Pretty sure talking has a 77 year head start on thinking
  8. Username does not check out. Twice
  9. @ERhine if you’re interested I’ve found these useful for a kettle. Let’s you concentrate direct heat on one side and keep another section safe for flame ups or indirectly finishing. https://www.amazon.com/Weber-7403-Char-Basket-Charcoal-Briquet/dp/B000WEMGM4/ref=asc_df_B000WEMGM4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693713553256&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17075787861191685645&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027692&hvtargid=pla-313150620220&psc=1&mcid=2c107d1a90313c308598c25c7b914171&gad_source=1
  10. Why would he need to pull his pants down?
  11. Call came sooner than expected. Picked up yesterday.
  12. DJT. Barron, can you help me out and get on your knees when we’re together? Barron. Is this what Ivanka was talking about?
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