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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by brown water

  1. Good handwriting is the sign of a slow mind.
  2. 26 tequilas 22 vodkas 6 bourbon Very America first. Also fuck anyone charging $16 for woodford reserve. That should be impeachable.
  3. Given the overwhelming support of this admin by evangelicals, one could argue quite the opposite.
  4. And there it is. The victimization mentality that feeds today’s MAGA crowd. Congratulations for being able to rise above if only for a fleeting moment.
  5. The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one. 1. Who cares what he actually knows? He’s “the science guy”. Remember Rs lap up that trump is an expert in literally everything despite lacking formal education around the vast majority of it. 2. Like science really matters to them anyway.
  6. And then assume it’s worse because it takes a special kind of pathology to dream his shit up.
  7. Great. We have the planetary equivalent of a distressed debt hedge fund. How can we profit from the small opportunities created by a larger demise?
  8. Let’s just skip the actual competition and crown the presumptive winner. Can we retroactively apply this standard to a certain election in 2016?
  9. And then the pee tape drops one month after he leaves office. Trump will spend whatever time he has left in office vilifying all information sources and institutions previously thought to be credible and installing only the ones supporting his narrative as credible. When his time as the useful idiot eroding our institutions has passed, the trump card gets played. Trust in traditional institutions gone. Trust in what was offered to replace them also gone. I’ve got little doubt he’s compromised and the reason we haven’t seen it is that there’s more corrosive value in saving it for a later date.
  10. He’s absolutely consistent 1. Things he likes = great 2. Things he doesn’t like = fake / illegal 3. Any particular person or issue can switch between 1 and 2 depending on his mood at a given time
  11. I’ll take president Instagram over president Lindsey Graham.
  12. In accounting speak, classify as “deferred liabilities”
  13. Anyone want tonight’s lottery numbers while I’m hot?
  14. 50 / 50 based on the average of 100% chance be promised to pay and 100% chance he broke that promise.
  15. Terroist. I wish it didn’t matter but it’s emblematic of what seems to be his administration’s complete lack of attention to detail, desire for quality and ability to competently execute even the most basic tasks
  16. You’re missing the point. Labor costs aren’t about productivity, they’re about supply and demand. Teachers make less than they otherwise should because the people that teach get satisfaction from the non financial aspects of their job. People that pick up garbage or clean toilets do so because they make more than their skill set would otherwise command because comparatively fewer people want that job despite nearly unlimited “qualified” candidates. The problem with Sarah isn’t what she makes. The problem is she seems to be the anomaly of the toilet cleaner that absolutely loves her job.
  17. Because the central character in each leads a criminal organization but is more likely to be jailed over financial crimes than the other felonies he committed or directed to be committed.
  18. Do emoluments “windfalls” count as fundraising?
  19. Even if it can’t be proven that he’s a Russian asset it is unequivocal that he’s an American liability.
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