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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by brown water

  1. @thestudI missed it but have 3 bottles. You're in. But I am sold out. Hadn't intended to sell my "old" bottle from before the makeover. But my bad and I am a man of my word. It has your name on it.
  2. I'm happy to ship but not sure if it dollars out.
  3. Should soon. My BIL is bringing 2 bottles of OBSO from Maryland when he travels in for Thanksgiving.
  4. Just posted some bottles for sale in the Best Buy thread. Hope they find a good home.
  5. I may have been in too much of accumulation mode for a while. Looking to clear out some of the collection. I've got a fair amount of: Blantons Eagle Rare 4 roses private barrels (barrel strength) Stagg jr ECBP Weller 12 and Antique Several other bottles as well but no unicorns Asking retail and would consider trade (particularly WLW) but I'm really hoping to clear some out. I'm in Kingwood. PM if you'd like more details.
  6. Yes. I think your right. I doesn't sit in the oil but it can essentially fry it
  7. Sorry guys. I haven't been able to get videos to post. Here's a link that follows the process above. If any of you can help me with posting pics and videos instead of a link that would be great. I was hoping to get everything put together in a one place https://m.imgur.com/a/ewzQEOw
  8. Another f'ing test https://m.imgur.com/a/ewzQEOw
  9. Ill try again this evening. If anyone wants to share the idiots guide to posting videos from tablet I'd appreciate the help.
  10. View My Video http://tinypic.com/m/kb1w8m/4 <embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://v9.tinypic.com/player.swf?file=xejvrt&s=9">
  11. There is. It's called twitter.
  12. It's been there a while. Should be fine. They'll probably pull some for you if you call ahead.
  13. Liquor cabinet in Kingwood has several bottles of iwh15
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