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Everything posted by UncleCharlie

  1. History disagrees with you.
  2. Letting Trump gut our Social Security to own the Libs...
  3. I still play WoW and buy gametime with in game gold. I'm a cheapskate even virtually.
  4. Can we move College Station to Louisiana, Columbia to Arkansas and build a wall around SEC country?
  5. Hey Russia, if you're listening....I hope you can find those 30,000 missing e-mails.- Roger Stone told me Wikileaks had them already.
  6. The one thing I can never get past and the one thing I think is the worst travesty of this whole situation. Trump got to fuck Karen McDougal. That brings a tear to my eye.
  7. We gon find out DJT's Liabilities > Assets today....
  8. Shouldn't his title be Michael Cohen RNC Finance Committee Chairman?
  9. HAHA just a way for them to all get their faces on tv. We are literally governed by cunts.
  10. See what you're hitting. Head across. Wrap up and finish through to the ground.
  11. We need more open field tackling skills like this in the game...
  12. Worth the watch. Exciting dual this afternoon. Not sure why they missed the first period and a half of the 125 match, but they got the best part.
  13. In a surprise move Michael Cohen's testimony to the Oversight Committee has been moved to the Saudi consulate in Washington D.C. Coincidentally it is across the street from The Watergate hotel.
  14. Wearing a new pair of socks for the first time. It's never the same after the first time.
  15. UncleCharlie


    I have issues only being able to sleep 2-3 hours at a time. When I do get to sleep I'm out like a light, I can sleep through a tornado siren going off right above my house. I never hear alarms. Fucks me up so bad If I wake up at 3am I just stay up because I won't hear the alarm and wind up really really late to work.
  16. Everything this sociopath has done for the last 6 years is all a reaction to Obama making fun of him during the Correspondents Dinner.
  17. I bought Purg a lapdance about 15 years ago. He was a good enough fella.
  18. His ex wife took the low hanging fruit. Hope these families get the rest. He will make it all back by partnering with Jim Bakker and selling End of the World Meal buckets to frightened elderly Republicans.
  19. You don't have to be an asshole about it....
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