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Everything posted by UncleCharlie

  1. It's almost like our President is working against our national interests and forcing China to lower their holdings of Treasuries and force them to invest with other countries like Russia.
  2. Opinion done right.....it says it right there on the billboard. Why does anyone think it is an actual news outlet?
  3. This is the new Republican party..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsavFC1lrtw
  4. Is it good when the opponents fans are chanting "Overrated" in the first quarter?
  5. For my own sanity I unfollowed the President the United States on Twitter because he is a bat shit crazy narcissistic sociopath. At this point whether or not he is impeached is almost irrelevant. A Democratic led house will finally lead to some checks and balances. IMO, the fear mongering/brain washing from Fox News and Conservative Talk Radio being spewed on the public for the last 30 years is the sole reason. Republicans and Democrats aren't that far apart. We all want good education, healthcare and opportunity; just philosophical differences on the best way to achieve those goals. The Right is now so far beyond NeoCon, ChristianCon that they are almost unrecognizable as a political party. No one is coming to take your guns. The borders aren't being overrun with migrants....and if it is, you're hiring them as day laborers to work your fields and do your construction work. Hell municipalities and states are hiring contractors that have nothing but non resident aliens on their payroll to build and repair our roads. I did some back of the napkin math on the original 33 billion that DJT asked for in 2017 for the wall and border security. You could hire 6,600 more border guards and pay them each 50k a year for the next 100 years. Then, all of the money spent would be taxed and recycled back into the system. Not really sure why I'm typing this out other than hoping it will be cathartic and help cleanse my mind. In the words of a wise WarZone poster from 2007. "Fuck that puto."
  6. Just because we need something beautiful in this shitstorm..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2zgJkRspfk
  7. Maybe DJT can get the rules changed to "for any law to pass the Senate it has to have 51 Republican votes" as he slinks out of office in 20..
  8. There was a reason Red Sparrow came out in early 2018...do you not even conspiracy theory bro?
  9. Butina better be in a nuke proof bunker. Russians don't like cooperation with prosecutors.
  10. If it pleases the court; I suggest the members be dismissed so that we can move to an immediate 39A session. The president has rights.
  11. Holy shit...this press conference is just an old folks home association meeting. All parties involved need to be put out to pasture.
  12. How long before Butina accidentally puts poison mayo on her sandwich?
  13. Yup. I think the dem Congress should hold some hearings on at least emoluments before impeaching. Get the information on how trump is using the office for personal benefit -- additional grounds beyond Mueller and the sdny accusations You mean other than forcing the government to rent out all the rooms in his golf course hotels every time he wants to get in 54 holes on a weekend? By holes I mean golf of course...
  14. Then those 3rd graders should have armed themselves. --Slorch
  15. I usually have to pay for the slap too. FML
  16. It's a catch 22. I'm ok throwing to the best player on the field one on one. Their DL is their best unit, DBS are their worst. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  17. And now you know what it is to be an Oklahoma State fan. I do think they played to win so I have no complaints. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  18. Is that a lime on top? It's all so confusing. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  19. WTF? Do I see a tan suit? Burn that mother fucker at the stake.
  20. Frogs 34 Horns 20 Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  21. Did the farmer have a daughter?
  22. Fuck that....You guys get Gundy, we take Campbell as his replacement. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  23. Dude...do you think the contractors picking up illegals in front of Home Depot do any background checking for citizenship? Like I said...it's not a hard problem to fix, it's just too profitable TO fix.
  24. Really? I have to show a drivers license and give a SSN if I apply for a job. It's not rocket science. Everyone knows that slave labor is better for the bottom line. It's just disingenuous to back "BUILD THAT WALL" when the companies that win the contracts to build it will use contractors that use an illegal immigrant workforce to build it.
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