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Everything posted by UncleCharlie

  1. You want to end illegal immigration.....punish the people who hire them.
  2. I listened to a few videos on YouTube by a believer named Praying Medic. It's fucking scary, I fear those morons more than the Nazi movement.
  3. I wonder if there are any lawyers out there that draw bouquets of dicks during depositions?
  4. First new tv show I've had intererst in since about 2005.
  5. Maybe the funniest and scariest 5 minutes of television ever....this is 25% of our population. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHJlZyFxp88
  6. I wouldn't mind the Democrats taking back both houses by large margins and having Mueller run for PotUS. First time I would ever vote for a Republican.
  7. My favorite is picking out the crust after a bloody nose and you get the attached 3 inch vein that comes out with it. Very erotic.
  8. I would pay good money to have Strzok say that to Jordan in this setting...
  9. We are so fucked. Both sides of the aisle are so bad that Strzok is the only one that will come out looking good. Gilead will be a real place in less than 20 years. Book it.
  10. Would you guys shut the fuck up? I had the wife convinced the 2 foot rule was strictly enforced.
  11. Already mentioned in this thread, but this all goes back to the enactment of Dept of Homeland Security. Stop militarizing police forces and lets get back to being decent people that the rest of the world looks up to.
  12. They kicked us in the pussy. Games were even uglier than the scores. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  13. He married a sooner. He has the whole alphabet of STDs. No way. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  14. I'll ask Aggy when they run you out of your own park. Hope you didnt have to reschedule a pedicure because we gifted you a regional. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  15. Meh, it's a Texas fan. They only like to talk swimming and diving. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  16. Yes I can. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  17. People that put the lower score first when asked about the score to a game. Example. Hey what's the score to the Red Sox/Yankees game? Red Sox are down 1-6.
  18. Whoa whoa whoa....my grandfather died in WW I. He fell off the guard tower. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  19. Public torturous executions. You have to make the punishment fit the crime. Brazen Bull, Iron Maiden and Judas Cradle are my favorites.
  20. Laurel is the only correct answer.
  21. Pokes in full on Incaviglia mode today. Boone's 3 bombs have all been 450+.
  22. When I was playing a lot, 23-40 I would shoot 78-83 no matter how well or poorly I played. Never broke par on 18 but had a ton of -1 or -2 on 9 holes. Playing at Indian Creek in Carrollton I was -2 going to 18. All I had to do is double it and I walk away with my first ever even par round. Perfect drive. 2nd into the drink in front of the green. 4 on and I fucking 3 jack for a smooth 73. Fuck that game.
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