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Everything posted by UncleCharlie

  1. Bourbon Street knockouts are the best....
  2. Gotta shoot Warren up and see if his fractured sternum can hold up. No other options at this point.
  3. I'm about to channel my inner cornhusker poster..... RunTheBall
  4. I do blame our staff for not running the ball.....its what got us here. Even if Warren is hurt, Richardson & Jackson are good enough t win this game.
  5. what a fucking mental midget Spencer Sanders is.....
  6. Our Freshman receiving corp is ridiculous. Bray, Green, Green, Richardson.... Now if Ewers transfers in we're set.
  7. The most oSu thing ever is I am more worried about how our 1st team All Conference QB plays more than anything else. I don't think we can win if we lose the turnover battle again.
  8. It's been a long time since I've cracked open the scotch at 9:45am. Gonna be a good day Tater.
  9. I figured with his LSU answer last night he was Florida bound. He will dominate the Pac12 by year 3. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  10. Hahaha fuck ou.
  11. One of the most fucked up lines I've ever seen....opened at ISU -4.5 and immediately went to -7 and stayed there all week.
  12. Guys guys...when a girl says put a finger in my ass you do it. No questions asked.
  13. I'm available to be on the next podcast after today.
  14. She's engaged to Parker McCollum
  15. Don't drag me into this shitty thread. I haven't done any Fantasy sports since 1995.
  16. A televised spiral into insanity. Yes I hold up traffic so I can see the car wrecks too...
  17. This is the most batshit crazy televangelist infomercial about rigged elections ever. All of these people need to be put in padded rooms.
  18. The NIL the straw that broke the camel's back. I don't blame ou or ut for bolting for $$$ to compete at the highest level. The only reason they can compete now is the 85/25 limitations that keep Bama, Clemson, Ohio St from signing everyone. I do however wish I would have archived all the "Running from traditional rivals" posts that longhorn fans posted when aTm went SEC.
  19. You should. I'm already headed home. Total clusterfuck. Not sure who to blame, Choctaw or WPT. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  20. I'll be there around 10 to try and register for the noon Saturday. I played in the 130 Thursday night lost half of my stack on the 3rd hand. AKc in roughly 6th position. call, call and raise to 1k in front of me, I make it 2k. Folds around to the raiser. He calls. Flop KJ8 rainbow. He checks I 1.5k, he calls. Qc on the turn. He bets 2k I call. River Qd. He checks and I'm 99% sure he is holding some 10-9 combo or a Q so I just show down. He had KQo. Bled out for another 3 levels. Surely I can't be as card dead tomorrow.
  21. Anyone playing any events this weekend? Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  22. Will you still pay for my beer if I cheer for South Florida? Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  23. I should probably be one of the money managers since I own CLOV. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  24. Just wanted to share a non bad beat story.... Playing in a friendly $40 buy-in 9 person tournament last Friday. 1st $180 2nd $120 3rd $60 Get down to the final 2 with about a 60/40 chip lead so we decide to chop 1st and 2nd 160/140 and play out about 10 hands just for fun. Blinds at the chop are 1k/2k with 126k in chips on the table. About 5 hands in i get KK in the small blind and limp. BB checks. Flop comes KJ10 rainbow. I bet 5k, he calls. Turn is another J. I'm praying he has a J or AQ. I continue with 10k. He calls. River is a 9. I bet the pot. He shoves, I call. He shows J-10 and starts reaching for the chips. Oops. Nice way to end the first card session in at least 18 months.
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