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Everything posted by UncleCharlie

  1. I have arthritis in one half of the joint in my right thumb. Only hurts about once every 3 months but when it does, holy shit. That's all I got...
  2. It's a zero sum game. All Boomers are in the 8th or 9th inning and the assets they have accumulated will get passed down to their GenX children. Then the GenX beneficiaries will pass it down to their Millennial children. Where the 1% is stealing from everyone is borrowing from the elderly at historically low interest rates and lending to the youngs at much higher rates.
  3. UncleCharlie


    I can understand wanting to let your guy finish what he started but that was the worst cast of going to the pen two batters too late I've ever seen.
  4. LOL this CWS is gonna look like the Maui Invitational.
  5. We better win not go extras....nothing reliable left in the OSU pen.
  6. No, he's that slow....that was a sprint.
  7. Only positive is we burned Tech's closer for tomorrow. Tech just has too much offense for us to outscore as much as we strike out. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  8. What Olympic sport requires a gun that can shoot 125 rounds in a minute and hold a 30 shot magazine?
  9. We could end this now if we just nuke all old school SEC states and College Station.
  10. The best part was McKusker's bat flip in the on deck circle. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  11. Never mind.....already posted.
  12. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  13. 28 Billion. That is the total given to farm owners in 2018 and 19 because of Dotard's tariffs. Could have built a nice wall with all that dough. Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
  14. If we're going on a grave pissing tour, can we stop at McTurtle's first please? He is the one that can actually destroy our country and still might.
  15. How you see that as a mic drop in DJT's favor is just incomprehensible. He is telling Congress to do their job and the House is but there is no way to get an impeachment vote past a Republitard controlled Senate.
  16. Well they do have a home and home scheduled with Paris the next two years.
  17. I like this giving up an average of 1 run a game thing. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  18. 3 errors sloppy. They have definitely made some plays to make up for it though. Pitching has been excellent. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  19. Elliot goes 6 shutout....Battenfield on in the 7th. Pokes have been sloppy tonight but it hasn't bitten them yet.
  20. Pokes get a solid 6 from Scott, 2 from Gragg and the closeout from Leeper. Beating Lodolo was a huge step in getting a national seed.
  21. So ironic that DJT's bank records appeal will be heard by Merrick Garland. Oops.
  22. This is what happens when directors already have a contract for 3 new Star Wars movies.... The special effects department at least did a little work over the last 2 years.
  23. Drogon da real MVP... Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  24. I could see something along the lines of Daario Naharas bringing an army to offset the golden company and save the day.
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