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Everything posted by UncleCharlie

  1. Honey I promise, she slipped and fell on my dick.
  2. If you want your baby you can keep your baby.
  3. If I were the Night King I would fly South destroy King's Landing and raise another million for my Army and attack with the second force from the South. But I'll be ok with whatever the show runners come up with.
  4. This administration is such a shit stain on our country that the cover-up of the murder and dismemberment of a Washington Post columnist isn't even brought up anymore.
  5. Jon already bent the knee. He will not stand in Dany's way to the throne. Seems like something he could have kept to himself until after the battle to see if it ever needed to come up. I do think it will keep him from marrying her if they both make it out of Winterfell.
  6. Well that sucks.... 17:48 looks like Pod's makeup he has been raised.
  7. The "Too Stupid to commit a crime" defense has now bypassed the "Wookie" defense as my favorite.
  8. Assange = Hacking to influence political outcomes Snowden = Hacking to inform American people about nefarious shit the government was doing to it's own citizens
  9. The selling of data we have seen up to this point is nothing compared to what will come with a cashless society. Every retailer in the country will be selling your purchases to financial institutions. No more checking no tobacco when there are receipts of every can of Copenhagen you buy is out there. Insurance companies not issuing life/health policies to you because of the risk that your parents drink a lot. I love the convenience of using credit/debit cards, but there will be a need for physical currency exchange.
  10. We will murder any mother fucker that stops us from saving babies.
  11. What do you all think? I'm betting on 75% redacted.
  12. I dont think Joffrey got to open any presents after his wedding.
  13. After re-watching a few episodes leading up to S8, one thing really pissed me off that I missed the first time around. Joffrey's sword gets called 2 different names and no mention or correction of it later. At his party when he receives it, he names it Widow's Wail. When he has Sansa kiss it at the Battle of Blackwater he calls it Hearteater. Bad writing or did it have 2 names in the books?
  14. We could call the bombing patrol.....The Flyin' Mayans
  15. Dude is 47. Get your vitamin D levels checked people...
  16. My Top 5 Favorite Scenes.... 5. Dracarys 4. Red Wedding 3. Every chicken in the room. 2. I will be your champion. 1. All of the Tyrion/Cersei one on one conversations. So ready for Season 8. Will be bittersweet no matter what the ending is, because it's the end of a great series.
  17. I was told they were all pink in the middle..
  18. These dumb mother fuckers don't realize without legal and illegal immigration we are Japan in the 80's within a decade. Without population growth our economy is fucked. Along with that our debt loses value and the dollar as the de facto world currency is gone. The trend is irreversible without immigration...
  19. Obviously they should cut all taxes. The trickle down effect and growth will more than pay for itself.
  20. I have an honest question....how the fuck did Stephen Miller get into this position of power? Was he a Bannon tag along that stayed on as a malignant tumor so he could spread after Bannon left the administration?
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