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Everything posted by fellside

  1. In baseball maybe? Scottie Barnes helped elevate Toronto to a top 5 record in year one. Evan Mobley completely transformed Cleveland in his first year. Luka was immediately the best player on his team and took them to the playoffs in year 2. MVP candidate by year 3.
  2. I spent 3 months wanting the Mavs to take Dennis Smith Jr and was stoked when we got him. On the other hand, I wanted Luka for like a year before the draft. Add that up together and I could still do better than any Sacramento GM.
  3. Which is why I referenced the league totals as well. Jordan won in the 90's rather than the 80's because he had a better coach, better teammates, and fewer super teams to compete against once Bird, Magic and Isaiah were old. Nobody was doing anything to Jordan in the 80's to limit him and no rule change altered the trajectory of his success. Jordan had better playoff statistics and shooting numbers when he was losing in the 80s than when he was winning in the 90s. His team just got better and his opponents got worse. Just a bad take by that dude.
  4. Jordan had fewer FT attempts per game in the 90s than the 80s. The entire league dropped in FT attempts. The league also dropped in points per game. Kinda seems like you're making stuff up.
  5. Luka finished top 5 in MVP voting. He will make 1st team All NBA. Thanks for starting the thread.
  6. Notice how Paul says "but fans are allowed...". Bitch you literally saw the dude getting escorted from the arena. Nothing was allowed.
  7. Chris Paul telling the teenage kid "I'll see you later" reminded me of Real Bros of Simi Valley when he's about to fight the baby. Where exactly is Chris Paul gonna see him again? The mall?
  8. I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further.
  9. That's from Moonlight-La La Land a few years ago.
  10. This movie stuck with me and I enjoyed it. Had some really strong moments. I'm curious if a lot of the unanimous dislike of this film on here is coming from people now watching it at home. Because I can totally see not liking this movie if I had the option to look down at my phone or do something else while it's on.
  11. This episode was good. This show is good. The first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes especially.
  12. Big fan of The Snowman, Mainstream, and Hitman 2 I see. I get it.
  13. I clearly said disappointments rather than making it big. If Daniel Day Lewis's only movie after The Boxer would have been The Ballad of Jack and Rose, that would have been a disappointment.
  14. If we're going with disappointments rather than "being big"... Andrew Garfield - Solid career but I was expecting a ton after The Social Network. Since Spiderman he's been a peripheral guy. Michael Fassbender post 2015 - the dude goes from Hunger to Inglorious Basterds to Shame to 12 Years a Slave to Steve Jobs and then... No decent movies in 6 years. Sean Bean - Two different phases of disappointment. Thought he'd be big after Goldeneye then thought he'd be big after Game of Thrones. His post GoT IMDB reads like Nicholas Cage.
  15. My brother read the books and hasn't watched the show. I'm the opposite. Talked to him and it seems the show is getting the vibe of the books pretty accurately because we both agreed on the following: -Nynaeve is a total bitch for no reason -Moirane, Lan and Egwene are the only ones I haven't spent time hating.
  16. Lol the guy who wants to sue Greenpeace and has no loyalty to a single living human is the one character not 100% terrible? I'm currently of the belief that Greg might actually be the worst human on the show.
  17. Revolver Brewery if you're into that.
  18. Kellen's just looking like shit so he doesn't have to take a head coaching job. Dak's waiting to peak at the right time. Cooper avoided the vaccine so he could rest his hamstring. McCarthy got COVID to build Dan Quinn's confidence like the Hoosiers coach getting kicked out on purpose to let the drunk assistant find his groove. Parsons and Diggs are gonna force the first shared DPOY. All coming together.
  19. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The Spy Who Came in From the Cold Hunt for Red October The first ten minutes of Goldeneye
  20. Starting to think this defense is real.
  21. Jaylon is convinced he's the best lb in the game so I can't imagine how his brain is explaining this.
  22. Marcel Brooks just went on a long Snapchat rant. Coach pulled him into his office and told him another WR passed him on the depth chart. Said he started for a national champion but TCU is trash and losing and playing the same (slur) every week. Said TCU sucks.
  23. fellside

    OU @ KSU Fox

    K State just used Sark's play from the championship game.
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