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Everything posted by fellside

  1. Any time you get a chance to call timeout on 3rd and 21, you gotta take it...
  2. Given what football looks like these first few weeks, I'll take a double digit lead going into the half. Nobody is looking real good across the country today.
  3. I guess we're just gonna go with trips opposite a tight end until they can stop it.
  4. What the hell was Oklahoma doing with both their safeties 7 yards deep on 3rd and 18.
  5. If any ranking services are watching this game, Sanders would be top 10 in the next update.
  6. It's crazy how Texas went through the worst decade imaginable and yet still went 9-2 against Tech. It's like they're the one opponent where things remained status quo while everyone else got their licks in.
  7. 4th and 5th best tackles on the team starting today. Yikes.
  8. Instead of going with artsy movies that most film people already like, these are some typical Hollywood movies that I think are underrated and I wish movies like them were still made today. Inside Man Fracture Gattaca Stardust The Nice Guys
  9. Okay so the answer is we press Tylan Wallace with Thompson.
  10. No one gonna comment on the obvious hold by the true freshman left tackle? Because that's the part that interests me. Also the fact that Riley is calling max protect with the rb and hb and they still needed a hold against 230 lbs dlinemen to get their play off
  11. I didn't mean evaluation of recruits. I meant evaluation of your current roster. Like when Herman said he had an amazing offensive line that first year. That kinda thing.
  12. I've heard this numerous times but I just don't buy it. We can say the corners switched because they're asked to bump and run more in quarters, but Green spent most of the time doing this last year. Brown isn't being asked to do things drastically differently than what Foster was asked to do. The scheme for Eagles and Epps didn't change that drastically. Again, time will tell.
  13. Obviously it's too early to know for sure, but what's happening with Foster, Cook, Green, Eagles, Epps, etc. might suggest the failures of the previous coaches had less to do with scheme and more to do with culture/entitlement. For this many starters to become bench players as they become upper classmen suggests either evaluation or true competition wasn't happening before.
  14. I feel like the "conference sucks, let's leave" people probably match on the Venn Diagram with the "religiously checks the pointless conference realignment thread" people.
  15. This might be like 2008 when three Big 12 teams just roll through everyone else.
  16. I know everyone's been saying how huge Alfred Collins is but I still wasn't prepared. Dude is massive.
  17. True freshman starting at left tackle.
  18. Cannot wait. I would say all the casting looks perfect but I read the book after production began so that's probably why. Even Skarsgard looks good.
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