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Everything posted by fellside

  1. Unless Amari Cooper is gone.
  2. Sergio Snider. Freshman. Honestly I think he's better at safety but they've got him at rb. https://www.hudl.com/profile/13104692/Sergio-Snider
  3. Nolan has a freshman rb who's one of the more talented kids I've seen. Got offered by Colorado yesterday.
  4. It didn't sound like his feelings were hurt from the two things posted here. It seemed like he thought it was funny.
  5. So Texas will bring back upperclassmen starters at QB, RB, LT, RG, RT, the entire defensive line and the entire secondary. Kinda seems like they should win the conference, and we should be pissed if they don't.
  6. Kinda random. Looks like he's shitting on them but I'm assuming he's got a good relationship with Samples.
  7. Top 5 movie for me this year. Florence Pugh was pretty incredible in making a meh character the most magnetic on the screen.
  8. It's weird to me that so many on here give JJ Abrams so much benefit of the doubt. Dozens of people in here say they like the last movie and only blame the dumb parts as trying to salvage what Rian Johnson destroyed. How is The Force Awakens not getting more blame? Rian Johnson gets so much shit for the way he handled Luke, but Abrams is the one who pisses on his legacy. Thought Luke beat the Empire? Nope. They're still here with the same uniforms and everything. Sorry. Thought Luke had a meaningful victory over Palpatine by turning Vader? Nah he's not dead. Abrams set up a horrible villain in Snoke. He looked like a side character and came out of nowhere. The Palpatine puppet is a stupid explanation and I bet Abrams didn't have that planned out because Abrams never has anything planned out.
  9. Holy shit. I just saw that the dude with no arms and legs is Dudley Dursley from Harry Potter.
  10. Every single scene associated with the Emperor was garbage. 1. Rushed scene yada yadaing his return was dumb. 2. Kylo "why shouldn't I just kill you now?" We never get a good reason. He should have just killed him. 3. How the fuck did he make all those ships? 4. How is he alive? 5. Who the hell flies all of those thousands of ships? They said they'd need to man them and never explain how they do. 6. They keep adding sith powers every minute. Now one dude can no-look take out an entire fleet by himself? 7. The emperor needs Rey to kill him in hatred but then offers her a deal where she can save her friends. So she wouldn't be killing him in hatred. Then he just remembers that he can suck the life force out of her instead. If you're blaming all of these on Rian Johnson, you're being extremely and randomly kind to JJ Abrams, a guy who's never known how to end a story his entire career.
  11. He played at TCU. That looks kinda bad.
  12. Star Wars has me in this awkward place where I disagree with everyone. Fans were stupid to make the movies about themselves and their theories about Rey and Snoke. And those fans are childish for throwing tantrums when movies don't develop a story to follow their fan fiction. Rian Johnson was right to push the movie in the direction he did. On the other hand, The Last Jedi had bad dialogue and dumb side stories. Anything that wasn't Rey and Kylo was convoluted. On the other hand, the Rey and Kylo stuff was as good as anything Star Wars related. If JJ Abrams is giving fans what they want without addressing the actual issues, then I'm guessing everyone will hate this movie and nobody will know why because they've spent years debating the thing that doesn't matter.
  13. If we went 11-1 and Herman gave the double birds, no one here would care. If we went 12-0 and Neal Brown said Herman was an asshole, no one would care. If we won a Big 12 championship and Herman seemed awkward and weird in interviews, no one would give a shit. You don't like him because he's losing. And that's fine. That's how it's supposed to be. But you all sound like the Boston fucking media with all of these side stories about him, as if you have to justify your disdain. If he sucks next year, he'll get fired. If he doesn't, you'll stop giving a shit about his character. The incessant hand wringing about his personality isn't going to improve your station in life until then.
  14. I get the takes about this being a comfort hire. Can someone explain why we think Ash is a bad defensive coordinator?
  15. They shuttled from a nearby elementary school parking lot too.
  16. Pretty close to a 60 win pace. Incredible this early in what we thought would be a building year
  17. Script whites would look much better with a blue hat. But then again the white jerseys have never looked good with a red hat.
  18. I thought this was one of the better movies I've seen in a theater in a while. Hollywood needs movies like this to convince them it's worth it to make things that aren't superheroes or sequels. If people are bitching about Rian Johnson with this one then they're just being sensitive little bitches.
  19. Glad Carlisle adjusted to bringing Luka in a little earlier in the 4th now. I've never liked Hardaway but he's looking good as a starter. Gotta give him props.
  20. It's eerie how close reality currently is to the daydreams I had when Luka was lighting up teams in Madrid and the Mavs were garbage. This is fun.
  21. I think this might be the day he finally gets fired.
  22. Joel Edgerton, the big burly warrior friend dude, wrote this. That surprised me quite a bit.
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