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Posts posted by fellside

  1. In this case, the second unit is responsible for getting us back in the game, but I have to say the rotations confuse me.

    Why do we play the 2nd unit for 10 straight minutes?  It seems so excessive.  Every time the starters come back in the 2nd quarter, they look rusty.  Every game.  Why do we not stagger minutes at all?

    Carlisle's great, but this doesn't make sense to me.

  2. 2 hours ago, Dewey said:

    Sean Mcvay was a proven offensive coordinator in the NFL.

    But you said Riley hasn't won anything.  McVay hadn't won anything either.  The year before he became a head coach, McVay's offense was 12th in the NFL.  But the Rams knew he was promising, had potential, and was a bit of a genius.

    Your posts make it sound like there is a long line of qualified candidates in the NFL waiting to be hired, yet most new coaches in the NFL last about 2 or 3 years.

    Kansas City's OC doesn't call plays.  Rams don't really have an OC.  If someone wants to hire the next offensive genius, they're going to have to look at college ball.


  3. 2 minutes ago, Dewey said:

    Hes one of the unqualified imo, yet hes talked about as if hes won and won a lot... on his own merit.

    What did Sean McVay ever win before he got hired by the Rams?

    I would be thrilled if the Cowboys hired Riley.

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  4. 40 minutes ago, Dewey said:

    Not sure I follow the love for Riley, he's done what exactly? As far as I know, Stoops handed him everything, before that he was an oc somewhere.

    He's basically the best offensive coach in college football, which probably makes him the 4th or 5th best offensive coach in all of football.

    His team is scoring .78 points per play.  The Bama offense everyone loves is at .71.

  5. Obviously mad about the loss and not going to take any moral victories, but the 2nd half showed me Texas can still finish the season strong.

    I think we're going to win the last three against Tech, ISU and Kansas.  The question is whether we can handle West Virginia.  Either way, that would be a successful season.

    Replace Hager and Locke with underclassmen that are actually an improvement like we did with Malik and Boyd, and we fucking curb stomp everyone next year.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Machinator said:


    Kinda funny how they're playing up the retro aspect, but those uniforms are more in line with what every top 8 school is wearing right now (Bama, Clemson, Notre Dame, LSU, Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Georgia) than the trash modern shit they've been wearing since Dez left.

    Wear those every week.  It looks good.

  7. 1 hour ago, Bruh Man said:

    Are these all of the character risks in this class? 

    Marcel Brooks
    Tamauzia Brown
    Jeffrey Carter

    Rumor was that Carter transferred from Aledo to Legacy because he got evicted due to repeated incidents.

     I hope the best for Brooks, and would love to see someone who came from that neighborhood make it, but there are serious concerns.

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