Thanks again for your info....the vet had said the same thing about quills moving around plus she had said that she thought there was at least one or two still imbedded deep in Emmy's gums, so I have been checking them both daily to see if I can find any.
Have gotten two out of Em's mouth (one on the roof of her mouth, the other by a lower front tooth) and the two pics below are those taken from Charley. The smaller was taken today above her front top teeth where the gum line meets the inside of the lip and the other (longer one) I pulled from above her eyebrow late Tuesday. It had some cactus thorns around it so I originally thought that's what it was as the black tip was what was poking through her skin. Tweezers wouldn't work, so I used some needle nose pliers, got the right angle and upon pulling, that whole quill was pulled out. It had gone through her eyebrow and what I originally had found was where the end of it was coming out again. If it hadn't gone through and through, it would still be in her to move to who knows where.