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Everything posted by BillyGoatHill

  1. Years ago (early 2000's) we were living in the PNW and we went to the Cal series as my daughter lived just east of Oakland. It was a cold weekend but still, high school stands not much bigger than what my 2A high school outside of SA had in the 70's. Definitely less than a 100 fans total there (UT alum and parents mostly) and those that were in the stands for Cal were players keeping stats. I alway think about the smaller schools (like St Johns the other night) and wonder what their players think when they come into the Disch (even on a Tuesday night). Glad that we have such good support and facility for the Horns and TEXAS baseball. That was women's softball. I saw that highlight of her but forget the team she played for.
  2. NSIAP... Joey, Joey, Joey....please show up the 2nd weekend in March for the Baseball series πŸ˜‚ Next phrase for mullet boy....."You want fries with that" ? Turns out mullet head is Bandy the Rodeo Clown....🀑
  3. Yep. But the American prisoners were removed from the camp a few weeks prior to the Great Escape.
  4. trollin' for rep....πŸ˜†
  5. Sigourney in her undies is an added bonus...
  6. Most of my favorites already on here....Clarence getting his wings, SPR opening scene, Hey Dad, wanna have a catch? Here's a couple others I think fit...
  7. Last day of dry dock tours....pretty cool experience. Wish may Dad was still around. He would of liked the tour, especially the highlighting today about the refurbishing/refit of TEXAS' 5" guns (Dad was a gunnery officer on tin cans) edit: Over 4300 dry dock visitors bringing in just over $650,000, with another 150K through souvenir sales...
  8. He'd fit right in with the Aussie SAS. Though they drank from a prosthetic leg from a Taliban they dispatched on one of their clearing missions. Nicknamed it "Das Boot" and kept it in their bar where they decompressed between outings outside the wire. 😁
  9. Gonna get to see her this weekend before they put her back in the water. Can't wait.
  10. Agree. And we do. It's just already occupied by the Texas bullpen. That damn ball almost sent to me to Dell Seton ER. I normally stay for the whole game but with the blowout, I decided to leave a bit early to play cards. I'm on the sidewalk behind left, almost even with the door to the Yeti Yard, and I hear "Ball, Ball, Ball"! Just have time to get my head up to see a blur hit the sidewalk about 5' behind me and bounce out towards the tennis courts. Some frat guys yelled at the kid that got it to throw it back, which he did (dumb). Glad he threw it fairly far and didn't hit the left fielder with it. Half inning later I saw one the equipment guys come down the stairs with a ball in his hand and went into the dugout. He came out about 30 seconds later with the ball still in his hand and went into the clubhouse. Same thing I saw them do with Schuessler's last year (first hit and HR also) , they are making sure to try and get the baseballs that were these guys first college hit.
  11. We went in 2022 and I'm pretty sure there was over 25K that night (Saturday). It was a record at the time for the Shriner's Classic and they needed to open up some upper deck (club?) seating. We won, but tigger fans around us were unbearable.
  12. Going to have to get down there this month.... (free admission to the Ralston Family Collections Center on Monday-Tuesdays 1-5pm) otherwise $14 to get in with a reservation on other days or times.
  13. Yep. Boeing knew how to build a plane and just amazing crews flying them. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  14. My bad. No disrespect to the board, just forgot that it wasn't common knowledge to all as to who they flew with.
  15. Yep. First flew in '43 covering the Sicily invasion (from N Africa clearing sea lanes) and then providing bomber escort in mid '44 for the 12th and 15th Air Force (not the 8th which was based out of England).
  16. Nice Dre....!
  17. Great catch.
  18. McGwire with another K...πŸ˜€
  19. Yep... Said a piece of metal went into or through his lower leg. Lost a lot of muscle with surgery and weren't sure he would walk again, let alone pitch.
  20. Freight elevator at Gregory Gym broke and fell two floors...he was in it.
  21. OK. Thanks
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