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Everything posted by BillyGoatHill

  1. Yep. Boeing knew how to build a plane and just amazing crews flying them. 🇺🇸
  2. My bad. No disrespect to the board, just forgot that it wasn't common knowledge to all as to who they flew with.
  3. Yep. First flew in '43 covering the Sicily invasion (from N Africa clearing sea lanes) and then providing bomber escort in mid '44 for the 12th and 15th Air Force (not the 8th which was based out of England).
  4. Nice Dre....!
  5. Great catch.
  6. McGwire with another K...😀
  7. Yep... Said a piece of metal went into or through his lower leg. Lost a lot of muscle with surgery and weren't sure he would walk again, let alone pitch.
  8. Freight elevator at Gregory Gym broke and fell two floors...he was in it.
  9. OK. Thanks
  10. OHHH! He calls that one! 😂
  11. Damn ! Ring him up
  12. and with this weather.
  13. They need to sale those players parkas... That was McGuire's son.
  14. Struggling with throwing strikes in the 3rd....Fire the pitching coach 🤷‍♂️
  15. Nathan for sure but right now not sure whoo is doing play by play. Roger is doing the women's basketball
  16. Audio FINALLY working via TexasSports.com So far, iheart radio sucks. (huge delay)
  17. Same as it ever was... It's fencing. Not plexiglass.
  18. See my post above . Largest crowd ever for opening game. It took awhile to fill but was pretty full by the 3rd/4th innings....then people started leaving around the 6th or so. That wind went right thru you.
  19. Thanks...I forgot to check 1300. Website didn't have anything...🤷‍♂️ So I talked with one of the guys setting it up pregame and It's first come/ first served. 150 people max. No bathrooms in there so if you leave and there is a line waiting to get in, you go to the end of the line. If at capacity, they let in the amount that are leaving. Can bring your own beer and booze in, just not coolers or bottles. Gonna get wild for sure. And I didn't ask directly, but pretty sure no ticket is needed. If there is room you can get in and watch. Hopefully during the TXST game, aggy also, there is not too many of those assholes out there. That wind last night was a bitch. Plenty of gusts and going into that corner is tight. That was great catch. Would have been alright but that wind made it much worse...still feeling it today and watching inside at home (two free tix if anyone wants to be brave...just DM me) Oh, but we showed up last night.
  20. So what now is the radio station for the post game show? Get back to the truck immediately after the game and nothing found on the dial…[emoji2371]
  21. 2024 Game Day!!!
  22. 2024 Starts Today.... GAME DAY BITCHES!!
  23. I took this from my seat during the alumni game. Hard to tell cuz I don’t have the wall where the padding is still in place, but you are looking through inner wall with netting and seeing the panels from the older/further back wall.
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