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Everything posted by Kdub

  1. I like how you can bearhug a rusher and not get called for holding
  2. Who are these people? Why should I gaf?
  3. As far as UofA and ASU are concerned, if one leaves the other will follow, then Utah and CU follow. Cal &Tree will wail and gnash teeth, Oregon and Udub will tuck their tails and follow to big12. They're not not getting that Big invite
  4. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    I like the WTF1 channel on YouTube, chainbear on YouTube is good for more technical stuff about F1
  5. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    Let the Austrian have some fun, who gives a shit if he was drunk
  6. OSU, really he couldn't ass on campus?
  7. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    Are yall gonna measure dicks now? Just to see who really wins?
  8. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    Fuck Ferrari with a million rusty, spiked dildos. How's that for vitriol, @FirstTimeCaller? Lol
  9. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    That kid wishes he could give a swirled, and if kicked my dog, you wouldn't know the name Max Verstappen.
  10. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    I think a lot of the hate for Max on here as more to do with the Red Bull, especially Horner, I don't think anyone likes him
  11. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    I acknowledge his talent, is he aggressive, yes, he's dangerous, sometimes, the Fuck Max thing is based on personal interactions and get a couple giggles. If you call that trashing fine. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.
  12. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    Jesus fucking christ, just stop already, every driver is a whiny bitch during the race.
  13. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    Just met him a couple times at VIP events, he arrogant and came off as a prick. I can understand the arrogance given his talent, but being a prick, no call call for it. Not nearly as bad as his father. Lewis was kind and came off as genuine. Simple as that.
  14. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    My hate for Max, is based on personal interactions...but anyway
  15. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    Lando, but I like Lewis
  16. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    I was rooting for Lewis, but more because, fuck Max
  17. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    I prefer torpedo, thank you very much.
  18. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    Thanks. Fucking covid
  19. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    I've been a fan of F1 since my dad took me to San Marino at 9, when he was stationed in Italy. He was a Lewis fan, which is funny because dad was bit prejudiced. But lived his story of how he came up. My dad passed on Thursday. We didn't get along well, but we always had a love for F1. Anyway back to your scheduled surly asshattery
  20. Kdub

    Formula 1 2021

    And agree Fuck Max?
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