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Anwar Namtut

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Everything posted by Anwar Namtut

  1. Something tells me he isn't a real priest. Plus, how is it not persecution when someone at the store says "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas!"
  2. Fortunately, I haven't had to tell any clients this is bullshit, but one of my business partners has had to tell multiple clients "DO NOT DO THIS!!!" He has way older clients surprise, surprise.
  3. We all know that is YGIFS.
  4. My mom is just about a year older than Sammy Hagar. Sammy is still rocking and putting on good shows. Whenever my mom leaves the house, she has to go back inside before she shits herself. And she can barely go up stairs. I feel bad for her because she generally took care of herself, but it basically the same as the Jagger/McConnell
  5. Bump. Anyone tried the OTC yet? I definitely need some now.
  6. Hey, did you all see the video of the Boston cop getting hurt going down a slide?
  7. Do they have large talons?
  8. The funny thing is the person that posted it most likely hates Cardi B music.
  9. My dad always said that everything he owned was for sale. No sentiment there.
  10. I'm the only one in my family (wife and four kids) that doesn't have a tattoo.
  11. Most likely penises based on the other thread.
  12. Don't the first couple of points conflict with the last one?
  13. Anwar Namtut


    We hung up a Pride flag a couple of weeks ago. No one has tried to burn it, so that's good. Of course, our next-door neighbors are a lesbian couple, our youngest daughter goes by they/them, and the youngest daughter across the street is transgender so maybe it's a safe neighborhood for that. Not bad for a state as red as Texas.
  14. *Iwantthat* gif. I would get that and put it in my front yard with a sign telling people (hopefully mostly kids) to bring marbles and try it out.
  15. More information... The shooter killed the family because 18 YO was jerking it in front of the suspect's daughters.
  16. Neighbor kills 4 on Father's Day. Haven't listed a motive yet.
  17. Congrats! Same day and year as my parents.
  18. Anyone know anything about Lilienthal Berlin? The have some nice looking watches for reasonable prices. https://lilienthal-berlin.com/watches/
  19. Not nearly as bad as I expected. Still too many cautions but at least it wasn’t like the first Nashville race.
  20. It’ll be worse than the first Nashville race.
  21. I need to put that in the back of my truck. See what happens.
  22. Anwar Namtut


    So, that Joey guy is clearly gay, right? NTTAWWT.
  23. The time or two made for some excitement, but after that I was like WTF is happening?
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