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Anwar Namtut

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Everything posted by Anwar Namtut

  1. Drt doesn’t know where his wife works?
  2. Obvious joke - "they really use their heads on that team!"
  3. Yep - I was basically thinking of the people from the '60s that are in their 70's now. Like my mom - she's most likely thinks it is still like heroin at worst or the "gateway" drug at best. And Willie Nelson who is 153.
  4. The olds that were prudes in the 60s still think it's heroin. The rest use it for their "glaucoma." I'm guessing more olds will be for legalization than people think.
  5. Sadly, we had to send our pup to over the bridge last night. 15 1/2 years old, but riddled with cancer. Eff dog cancer. Tears all around.
  6. For sure. I thought for sure she would be the one to want the big wedding. Fine with me. I would rather get them some shit to furnish their house with than waste money on a wedding. There will be a reception sometime next year. He's in the AF based near us and his family is across the country. We've only met his family on facetime at Christmas last year. They're good with it, too.
  7. Probably won't even rank in the top 20 on this thread, but we will go out of town to MIL's house. Like GOTJ, FIL passed away earlier in the year. MIL is the type that probably believes she is the only one to ever have a spouse die. It's strange, but one moment she is extremely self-centered (how can this happen to me?!?!?!), but then hands out $100 bills every birthday (7 kids, 5 spouses, 13 grandkids, 2 Great grandkids). They were not rich people, so that is a lot of cash plus $75 each for Christmas. Oldest sibling will pop some pills and chase them with vodka and then deny anything. All the kids have damage from MIL growing up - apparently very verbally abusive. FIL had "bad hearing" all 26 years I've known him. Probably won't be too much booze this year which is good. Wife's family are a bunch of alcoholics - and not the kind of happy drunks either. It will be a bunch of people sleeping on the floor, too, so not very comfortable. We should be able to send a couple of our kids to stay with the cousins while we are there, so that will help. Still, a family of borderline racists and anti-gay folks - even the educated ones. Sigh. In addition, our oldest daughter is getting married any day now. Not sure when exactly, but they did get their marriage license yesterday, so it is a matter of making an appointment with a judge. I'm sure there will be a bunch of complaints that no one was invited to the wedding. No one outside of our immediate family and fiancee's immediate family know about it (no pregnancy). Fine with me, though, as it will be very cheap.
  8. Open an online retail store that sells only books. Overtime, expand your product line to more than books. Offer to have others sell their items and get a commission on those sales. If someone has a really good product, copy it, slap your name on it then ban that person/entity from selling on your store. Soon you'll need your own warehouses and planes and delivery trucks and stuff, too. Then you can buy rockets and go into space.
  9. This. I don't even use the brush. Just lather the shave soap in my hand and I'm good to go.
  10. I shave in the shower with a safety razor. Wasn't there a big thread on the old site about this?
  11. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/18345-shart-2021-shit-can-always-get-worse/
  12. I have a current one who belongs in there.
  13. Bet all those refrigerators are still working. We just got rid of our harvest gold garage fridge built in 1968 (older than I am) that my parents got brand new because it finally stopped working. Sad.
  14. My dad had the Farrah poster in the garage. It was a dusty garage. Then 'lil Anwar removed the dust from the nipples. Funny it stayed like that a long time. I had the blue bikini Heather Thomas, the Aces High Iron Maiden poster and the 7th Son of a 7th Son poster. Also had a random poster of about 6 topless girls in thong bikinis with their ass to the camera. All of those were my mom's favorite - she couldn't pick just one.
  15. Idaho says "hi." This last legislative session some yahoos tried to push through an amendment to the state constitution to keep all that is illegal, illegal. For a governing body that sure does not want to have government involved in our lives, they sure did make it a mission this year to do just that.
  16. The LG is just as bat shit crazy as Bundy. I need to register as a Republican just so I can help make sure those fuck twits aren't on the R ballot - because they have a great shot at winning.
  17. Had the second Pfizer almost two weeks ago. First felt like a flu shot as far as being sore. The second I was very sore later in the day (shot was in the morning) and the first half of the next day. Never felt ill or any other side affects, though. My wife didn't feel "quite right" the next day.
  18. This is why I hire out most of my home improvement projects.
  19. My wife thought using her Bluetooth headphones used cell data.
  20. Other than it gets played a lot, but icy hot commercial with the chick that gets aroused when old lady is smelling her, Then gets turned off when the geezer syas she reminds her if her geezer husband. It cracks me up. And I want to do the young chick.
  21. This is why I like the idea of the 16-team playoff. Like basketball, there probably isn't going to be a 16 seed beat a 1 seed. But there's occasionally going to be a 12 or 11 beat a 4 or 5 that would make things interesting. But like Huckleberry pointed out, the team that upsets isn't going to win it all.
  22. Off topic - don't you have some year-end planning to do? Lol. Or are you not a tax accountant like me.
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