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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hpara759

  1. Somebody left the north gate down last night!
  2. Got a 20-30 mph north wind with that in Bushland right now
  3. My thermometer is weathered I guess....I'll take a picture of the whole thing next time. It was a gift from my youngest, he was visiting Mount Rushmore and just knew I needed a thermometer.
  4. I can attest to the squall......it was snowing to beat the band for about 20 minutes...couldn't see across the road
  5. Texas Panhandle this morning
  6. Hpara759


  7. Big 12 refs on board in South Bend
  8. And Sark will trot him right back out there next week
  9. Ok Ewers...time to shut everybody up or make them say "I told you so"
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