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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hpara759

  1. if you want a great burger....Alamo Springs Café.....its about 12 miles out of town......always one of my stops when I go to Fredericksburg
  2. Its not Colorado....but its snowing its buttocks off at Ski Apache https://www.skiapache.com/live-webcams/
  3. I was in on this one......not fun 3 parts to this video
  4. this might have already been posted...but its the first I have heard of it. (and I'm not reading back 820 posts) https://sanangelolive.com/news/business/2018-12-07/usgs-largest-ever-oil-and-gas-resource-potential-found-permian-basin
  5. https://tylerpaper.com/sports/college/new-lumberjack-colby-carthel-taking-over-sfa-football-program/article_d2249440-f685-11e8-81fe-b782b3a36f25.html
  6. my son was discus thrower at Angelo St
  7. https://abc7amarillo.com/weather/cameras
  8. Coleman extreme....ice will last for days inside one.
  9. coming out of Lake Nazworthy yesterday headed to OH Ivie
  10. No....it has 3 Reserviors to get through before it gets to Buchanan...JB Thomas (Snyder) EV Spence (Robert Lee) and OH Ivie east of Eden....
  11. I saw a video this morning...there are 2 flood gates open on Lake Nazworthy....that will be in OH Ivie, and then there is this stuff around Ballinger which is headed to OH Ivie as well. https://www.gosanangelo.com/story/news/local/2018/10/17/flood-warning-issued-colorado-river-ballinger-other-flooding-updates/1672667002/ Twin Buttes is up 10' in the last 2 days https://waterdatafortexas.org/reservoirs/individual/twin-buttes
  12. I guess what would be a better question....who would build a town where 3 rivers converge....with the history of the " Ben Ficklin flood" of 1882
  13. Huge flood in Angelo back in the 30's prompted those lakes
  14. True that....but anything west south and north of Angelo...(north concho, middle concho, and south concho) will have to fill Twin Buttes and OC Fisher....and they are both below 20% full....it would take a flood of biblical proportions to fill all them
  15. Any water coming down the Colorado from west of Eden will hit OH Ivie Reservoir....and last I checked Ivie was only 18% full
  16. It has to fill OH Ivie first....and that will take a lot of water
  17. of course that's the MOFO that shot John Wayne in the back ....so f*** him......
  18. Tim Buckley ( Once I Was A Soldier) closing scene from Coming Home
  19. you guys might want to cut Mrs. Riley a little slack....... her grandfather
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