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Everything posted by wd40

  1. indeed. Thanks, Imma. that said, anyone for whom politics is a hobby needs a serious beating.
  2. Surly, my wife's not the only one on here doing this shit. am dissapoint. Buy Nothing is a junk exchange club on facebook. people post shit they want to get rid of, or shit the want, and it's all for free. on balance, it hasn't been too bad for us. I think we've gotten rid of more junk than we've acquired. first 'score' of hers was some old busted boogie boards. she read on Pinterest or somewhere about using styrofoam pieces for in her potting mix for house plants. I think she maybe used half of one. I let them sit in the garage for a couple months before I just tossed them. my biggest bitch about it is that I'm the bagman. she went back to the office, so whenever someone wants some old children's books or random old bric-o-brac or broken holiday decorations I threaten to toss, I get to put it out at the curb for the lucky winner...and bring it back if it might rain before whichever flaky wife comes to pick it up. a couple times, I've been on my way to go somewhere, and someone's wife will be parked across the end of my driveway, surfing fb or whatever after making a pick up. I mean, for several minutes. I've pulled right up there and waited, finally honking at them, snapping them out of their e-revelry. I guess the moral of the story is never say anything when you want to pitch old crap of theirs.
  3. anyone else's wife in a "Buy Nothing" fb group?
  4. so it was all his fault and had nothing to do with FUPM mentally checking out after the bama game? ok.
  5. We also have a Dyson and I've had to unclog crayons, pencils, etc multiple times. How does she not see this stuff? upon marriage, there's only one thing they don't suck
  6. at least he didn't pull a Wulaw. gotta give him that
  7. some days, you eat the bar... typical aftermath of November riding, around here strava stat allegedness, below. PR'd Rudy's, but still 15sec off the kom. on the bright side: I hit a 20mph top speed on it. such a fun section. hard to imagine skipping down it any faster. but I didn't pedal very hard on the long flattish section at the top, so maybe that's the difference. @Your Mom I finally re-found the bottom of Pump Station. it's been right in front of me, but I've been turning up stream there and taking a different (less chunky) way back to TC every time, thinking I was headed towards it. herpaderp. I also went all the way up Cheese Grater dab-free for the first time in probably ever. so all-in-all, a good day.
  8. speculation: it's not the ice cream, per se. it's the fancy deco on the pie and the wine in a proper stemware that puts it at odds with this thread's themes. side note: mint ice cream and key lime pie? that's fetish behavior, akin to orange juice and toothpaste. all yours, bro.
  9. Arboretum Target. "I brake for squirrels". really, you piece of shit?
  10. a few years ago, a couple of mtb buddies and I drove all night to Angel Fire for some downhillin'. stopped at an Allsups in Ft Sumner at o'dark:30 for some gas. I got a couple fresh burritos. one guy got a can of Stagg Chili and literally drank the whole thing cold, standing there at the gas pump. from there to AF is maybe 3 hours. we crested the last ridge overlooking the valley AF is in just before twilight, and decided to pull off for a nap so's not to wake our host up too early. thank God it's cool and breezy at night there in August, because holy shit, those Stagg farts would've killed us with the windows rolled up. I assume the altitude played a part in the conversion time. I'm not a chemist, but I think an added factor was that zero bacteria died in the reheating process. I mean, I can out-fart a lot of folks. but that was fucking vile.
  11. wife just called me with her cell phone to ask me if I knew anything about a notification she got via text (I assume) that her wireless account has been suspended (all the phones are on my account). uhhhh...
  12. I can't wait til this glaze phase is over with. until then, I'll look like I'm ahead of the game.
  13. Sha-Na-Na thinks that's a lot of oil
  14. just skipped right past melding and went for full penetration. outstanding.
  15. I think I got one more 10spd X-9 der in my stash. the return spring wore out on my old one, about a month ago. hardly rode it, 5 years. got them on close out for like $60 apiece. not looking forward to the day when I gotta buy new shit. the prices are insane. had one of those Zen rides at lunch, today. Ken's had a little sprinkle before I got there, but was mostly dry, until about 2/3 in, then it rained pretty decently for about 20 minutes. at one point I just stopped, got off the bike, sat down and enjoyed it. needed it after voting this morning (no CR). it's chili weather right now, but I'm too tired to mess with it. probably tomorrow. Cheers
  16. cleared out the fridge of a lone sausage link and a chicken cutlet from last night, and test drove these fancy beans (impulse buy). call it a "normally-aspirated T-man". should also improve my "explosive plays" metrics, later this evening.
  17. for years, I used to have to keep that Salt Lick shit in my house for my wife. about a month ago, she snapped out of it. says she hates it, now. despite his poor taste in bbq sauce, Lando's italian sausage sub inspiration was a big hit at my house, the other day. will be in the rotation.
  18. had a fun little surprise, this morning. half the sheetrock ceiling in my garage decided to say fuckit and let go of the joists. fortunately, not any significant damage, but I did work up an appetite, cleaning it all up. sparerib meat tacos, and a Southside Mkt sausage with some of that runny HEB queso. more of a glaze, tbh. this was from a week or so ago, and should've gone in the homemade corndog thread. get over it.
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