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Everything posted by wd40

  1. random thoughts: I think we're at a point where we (and I mean they) should starts a 'Parisa talk not going away" or "E-Coli meta-thread" thread. tortillas are my go-to for dogs. more versatile, so better machine utilization is better (it's a vehicle, after all), and hotdog buns are so often...disappointing. Shank, I'm not quite sure what I'm lookin at there (do I see scrambled egg and/or bread crumbs in the mix?) but it's a balls-out effort, smothered in shredded cheese and hot sauce. always a winning combo.
  2. so we'll put you down as a 'No' for Airmen's, then.
  3. surprised there are no SJWs advocating for naming every other one womanholes or ladyholes. or all of them personholes. maybe they're just gonna let us have this one. how sweet.
  4. the so-called "beer condom". every time I see that word, I think of the way my dad pronounces it: "cuhndumb". used to drive my brother and me insane. then one day, on a roadtrip to the coast, just the three of us, I made a joke about heading to the "cuhndo". my brother and I cracked up in hysterics. and then we proceeded to set our dad strait. but for some reason, thanks to the powers of the internet, I decided to look it up. it seems you can say it either way. so now I'm all fucked up. anyway. carry on.
  5. wd40


    don't laugh (too much). this one is more about historical context, for me. besides it getting a lot of play at The Back Room, back in the day, where we'd kill off a several pitchers of beer after softball games, it stands out for me because of paintball. there was an indoor paintball place out off Burleson, near Lockheed. they had badass guns (gravity feed, rapid-fire, etc.---light years ahead of our old Splatmasters). it was dark, with a maze in the middle lit up with strobes. very intense. anyway, one of ME### profs had pulled me aside a couple days before and told me I needed a B on the final to pass his class and graduate. took the test in the afternoon, then we went to the paintball place. during one of the rounds, this song was played particularly loud. again, very intense. prof called me that evening, shortly after we got home to tell me I totally blew it on the first question. my heart was seriously taxed , at this point. fortunately, I was one of the few who got the other three questions right, so he passed me. woohoo! done with school forever.
  6. watch your back, bro. but they might be cedar elm seedpods (pic one). pic 2 looks like a live oak with a fungal infection. does it dump its leaves ahead of the other (genuine) live oaks? call an arborist. pic 3 looks like arboreal armageddon with AIDS and maybe the herp (on another cedar elm). update your will.
  7. I usually go mondays or tuesdays. depends on what's going on at work. plus lately, I got some remodel dudes to herd in my master bath. all very fluid.
  8. got that right. west of Lakeline, it gets very hilly. some more lunchtime Brushy boinging, today.
  9. oof. texted a buddy happy birthday, this morning, and got invited along on a ride up Leander way. 15.3 miles, 2183ft of climbing, 2:50 on the trail, 11.9mph avg. when we weren't grindin', we were bookin'. good times, til I bonked. got home just in time to see this. indeed.
  10. more like como se llama, amirite?
  11. get out of your way. w/bacon, guac, cheddar and Nando's.
  12. we're all old. well, except Your Mom. sorta. no biggie. on a semi-serious note, I'll once again pimp Hadley hubs. about $120 cheaper than CK, and absolutely bomb-proof. I service the rear hub about twice a year, and really, that's just a wipe down and re-oil, maybe change the seals (haven't had to yet on the current one, 3 years in). have never touched the front hub, beyond spinning it to verify the bearings are still butter smooth. been on the same front hub for 10 years? rear had to change because boost took over. I service it out of guilt. when freshly-oiled, it's silent (to my deaf ears). made in USA. it's a husband-wife operation, last I checked. he machines, and she does CS. a buddy sent one back for repair, and they just sent him a new one. check them out on Balle Racing. I think that's about the only place to buy them, direct. CK makes good stuff. they're just really, really proud of it.
  13. the cassette rides on the freehub body which is part of the, well, hub. speaking of roadie hilarity: this hit my inbox a few days ago. eta: the buzz of the palls in the freehub just means you're not pedaling. although, it's fun to make that angry bee noise by backpedalling really fast, if scaring pedestrians is your thing.
  14. yup. 160. with the increased progressiveness, it sets me up to consider a coil shock. I really can't speak to what it does to my climbing. it's just not something I worry about. I enjoy technical climbing, but the payoff is going downhill. I know it feels different when I attack punchy little climbs and up-ledges. it's that increased progressiveness at the end of the stroke, I guess. feels stiffer and livelier, at the same time. but I still make all the stuff I did before, so it's not hurting me. I've had to add more air to the shock. it feels a lot better on bigger hits, but I'm using more of the travel on smaller ones. not wallowy, just monitoring the fun-meter very closely these days, and noticed the difference. as far as your new bikitis, good luck. one of my more aggressive riding bros is looking hard at the Ripmo. they have an aluminum version, which puts it within budget and takes it out of that scary world of full-carbon. we're old school.
  15. so much for Chris Rock's "get a white friend" tip. lol @ butthurt tapafags. Finally, Thank YOU for wading through the reddit for these gems. XOXO, wd
  16. don't get me wrong. it's cool as hell to watch. I just don't get the same "I gotta try that" urge that I get from other skate videos. I figure I've gotten away with more than my share of close calls and minor falls. I know much it hurts at low speed. that's just too much.
  17. got a new rocker from Cascade. it adds 7mm of travel, and 13% progressiveness. makes it kinda botttomless (except today). still trying to get the shock dialed to it, although I'm sure I'll have to start over once I work up the nerve to tear it down and service it. pretty happy with it, so far. did a new drop at Brushy for the first time, a couple weeks ago. felt it in my teeth. put the new link on, and it felt like butter. should feel even better if I can manage to not case it, next time. speaking of Brushy, that creek has a soapy spot, too. I guess the parents that let their kids play in the shallows near the railroad bridge never venture that far upstream, or downstream, for that matter. pretty nasty, around where it goes under Parmer.
  18. got my money's worth out of all my new suspension bits, today. one trail nemesis at a time.
  19. ha! very similar. same yellow plastic, which I always hated, but with red wheels. here it is. a Pro Class Hot Dogger. at some point in my ute, I got ahold of a whole can of safety orange marking paint. thing has got to be 42, 43 years old. it sometimes saw action as a furniture dolly until I broke down and bought a real one. mostly, it just hangs in a closet in the garage. and yes, RIP Jay.
  20. had one of those little plastic boards when I was a kid. there was a condo complex up the street with a lot of long, squiggly sidewalks to cruise, and some shallow stairs to float down. never owned a longboard. but used to do a little bit of it on my Santa Cruz shortboard. I'd picked it up during my early post-divorce wild days when I was stuck in Leander with no money and nothing to do but fish, mtb, and take naps. anyway, there's a street forming the northern boundary of Walnut Creek Park with a big hill. I used to carve my way down that until I just had too much speed to hold the turns (sliding just didn't seem like a great idea), and would take the last hundred feet or so just straight down. it would bottom out and go back uphill to a dead end to slow back down. just the perfect spot for that sort of thing. my neighborhood had one hill, at the very back. pretty mellow; but on a skateboard, it was plenty fast. about 6 turns I could rail all the way to my house where I'd just bail out onto the grass. went out to Ramp Ranch on 29 some, back then. learned to drop in there and play in the 1/4 pipes. got put on a project out in Sunnyvale, discovered a real skatepark near my hotel, and got better. shortly after that, Austin built its first concrete park down by the IRS. would get there right at sun-up, before all the kids woke up. couple times, there was another old guy there sweeping and skating the pool in the dark with some cheap little LEDs clipped to the bill of his ballcap. fuckin crazy. good skater, tho. now all I do is ticktock up and carve down my longish, curvy driveway. good core workout. lotta fun, esp for the investment.
  21. yep. gettin to be about that time of year, again. cute-but-evil little fuckers. ever since they started a nest in my truck's engine compartment and chewed up my main harness, my backyard is a free fire zone.
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