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Everything posted by wd40

  1. on that note, I call this piece "Neo-Cubist Mixed Media Muffuletta Tittyfuck, with Pickle". I'd forgotten I had a jar of that Central Grocery olive mix. but I got a hankerin' when I found it in the fridge, so I just made do.
  2. ding dong
  3. you lack vision, Grasshopper
  4. I was trying to find a witty pic or gif response to this, but I got sidetracked.
  5. Charlie didn't get much USO. he was dug in too deep, or moving too fast...
  6. them geckos like to hang out in my mailbox. I'm sure my neighbors enjoy the show when I scream like a little bitch when they jump/fall out onto my hand when I open it. probably just revenge for when they get squirted in the doorframe of my shed. or from my cat murdering them.
  7. I just assume the Mid-Western version of any food is, at best, sustenance. no surprise they'd fuck up breadnbutter pickles. Best Maid Jalapeño b&b pickle slices are good with onions on a pulled pork sandwich. I especially like the little chili peppers they put in the jar. but that's it.
  8. Smitten Kitchen's fridge pickle recipe is my go-to. I often add some fresh japs to the jar, garlic, red pepper flakes, whatever. hardest part was finding decent all-glass jars. think I finally found a pair in a set at BedBathnBeyond. if I have to pick between cut pickle types, team chips. I'll eat spears, but chips fry better, imo. I miss Rick's on the Bricks. I need to find my pickled onion recipe. awesome carnitas taco topper.
  9. yeah. that sliding glass door was a piece of crap, anyway. and that juniper was getting a little thick.
  10. musta been showing brain
  11. fuckin finally. not my fastest run, but it was clean when it mattered. sometimes, the hardest battles are in your own head.
  12. I ended up with most of my grandfather's stuff, I think. he was a 90-day Wonder, and a planner for D-Day. have his dress uniform, a box of patches, ribbons and buttons in a box with other trinkets, notably containing a German Eastern Front campaign medal I assume he traded for over there, a little German Walther pistol that looks to have barely enough power to do the job if you stuck it in your mouth (but at least it was semi-auto), and his mess kit, just like the one Brat posted above. the only thing I have on display is a portrait of him in uniform, draped with his dogtags. but I look the other stuff over, now and then, and make sure the pistol is oiled.
  13. just so I understand: you purposefully sit next to the above 'furniture accessory' and repeatedly place a moistened phallic object in your mouth while creating suction with your diaphragm. is that right? ok.
  14. with bacon in the beans, I believe all the food groups are represented. heb hot queso is its own.
  15. ah. that explains the origins of the Johnsonville brand.
  16. fried lips and assholes: serious bidness
  17. you guys are fucking with my ability to pretend Van Hagar never existed. cool pics, op.
  18. lalalalalalalalala
  19. gambled and lost in my chamois right before a mtb ride, yesterday. I over-hydrate before summer rides. I was a little early and my buddies were running late, so I found a dead-end road nearby to take a leak. I already took a dump, before I left the house, so I felt safe. finished my biz, took two steps toward the truck and it happened. fortunately, I still had a roll stashed in a ziplok under the seat from way back when I did a lot of solo camping on the beach, so I dropped trou in front of the truck to more-or-less shield myself from civilization and cleaned up with the Dead Sea Scrolls. major monkey butt when I got home. was seriously wishing we still had some desitin in the house. good ride, though.
  20. 4/3? so...still in the bag? couple improvements on the smoker: removable SST shelf off Amazon, and a couple boat jacks under the fire box to get the tires off the ground. Surly smoke critics have been quiet lately, so, I provide some fodder (that's a pork but on the right, to cover the non-rib eaters). dunno if these look good or bad, but they tasted great. the other rack was less fatty but equally flavorful. my dad went through 2 ribs without wiping his face once. looked like...well, I just prefer not to think about that.
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