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Everything posted by wd40

  1. aren't they all related in that regard? it goes back to the women trashing their vehicles. done with it? drop it on the floor. can't find it again later? huh. that's weird. just got home. while I'm unloading the car, she starts a load of laundry. hot water. because, you know, no one would want to maybe take a shower after a 12 hour drive and 5 minutes outside in the steambox we call Austin. home sweet home
  2. the 14 day thing is just a scare tactic. we had one vrbo (in Santa Fe) cancel on us because of it, but we eventually found another outside of Taos. worked out much better, imo. all the museums and whatnot are closed, anyway. restaurants are hit or miss. so SF just would have been pointlessly crowded. Taos seemed to be doing things right, and was a much more chill experience. meanwhile, the AF parking lot was 100% Texas plates. lift line was non-existent, for the most part. trail conditions were great, outside of the usual braking bumps in the berms. this is the time of year to go, with the afternoon showers to keep the dust down. we're actually staying in Red River, for the second half of the week. holy shit. overrun with Okies and Texans. the Texans are slightly better than the Okies w/r to mask wearing, etc.. (Okies being easily identifiable by their OSU and OU gear). it's going to interesting to watch the case numbers around here. the locals don't seem to be taking it very seriously, given that their guests aren't. have a good time at Breck! there are some nice (free) trails in town, if you got the lungs to grind back up to the top.
  3. on a family road trip. lots of micro stupid. wife: where's the hand sanitizer me: check the floorboard between your feet wife: ah. thanks. later w: where's the sunscreen? m: check the floorboard between your feet (I actually found it wedged between her seat and the center console) wife: ah. thanks. later w: has anyone seen my water bottle? m: check the floorboard between your feet wife: ah. thanks. etc.
  4. if you're at HEB and not barcode labeling your produce when you pick it, you're slowing things down for the checker and everyone behind you. fuck metrics. back in high school, we had to know all the produce codes (except maybe the real obscure shit). nowadays, when I get stuck behind a dickhead like you, it's clear checkers are no longer trained that way. they fiddle around with each produce bag to find the label on the fruit and then key it in. incredibly slow and frustrating for all involved. then on the other end, the bagger (if he/she's worth a shit) gets to stand there with their thumb up their ass waiting for the cans and heavy stuff to come down before they can even start to do their job. and then we all get to stand around and watch while this poor bastard finishes up, long after you've paid. so congrats to you for knowing how to game the IPM thing. pssst: shit like that only matters to 'career' checkout clerks; but in the end, does it really? grocery talk not going away. sorry. I got triggered. fucking this.
  5. epic day (for me). 6 runs. had to make my one day at AF count. my forearms and hands are just destroyed. recovering now, with a JacknCoke.
  6. chillin wit my boy Masterson on the porch. don't worry. you're safe.
  7. that ad just proves the theory that everyone in CA falls into into one of two categories: those who could act, and those who only thought they could act and had to find something else to do to make a living after they didn't get any callbacks.
  8. looking at it now, water's flowing the wrong direction vs that rock. wishful thinking is a hell of a drug. I had plans to get back up there, this year. oh well. leave some in the river for me.
  9. that's not the Arkansas River, is it? looks a lot like a spot a little ways downstream from Salida, especially with that brown she's got there.
  10. dunno, to be honest. but for the 29er version, I believe 160 is the max, which is what I bought, to replace my 160 Pike. got the same 42mm offset. so, geometry should be the same. the difference, besides 5 years of wear and tear on the Pike, is the Lyrik is is stiffer where you need it (bigger stanchions and boost), and softer where you want it (better damping, etc.). had to get a Problem Solver kit to keep my existing non-boost wheel. thought about servicing the (Hadley) hub while I had the rotor off, but it's still buttery smooth, so I left it. got lucky and happened to have the correct 203mm brake mount adapter from a previous ordering fuckup (old fork was 160 native, new one is 180 native, as it turns out). the usual shitshow in my garage, in otherwords. just need to figure out how to tune the bitch.
  11. I would totally do Sailor Moon if I was a teenaged cartoon character
  12. what about down at the station house with the cops? also, *here
  13. I roll the shit out of my R's when speaking the spanish. sorry for the phonetic fuckup. it's a fluid situation out there, to be sure. if some idiot comes up behind me to park next to me, I'll dump a bunch of speed quickly to let them go, then resume my speed. it's funny to see their reaction, sometimes. they flip out being all alone out front.
  14. I don't get plodding along next to each other like a herd of sheep with nowhere to be. I prefer to drive a little faster than the flow to keep my blindspots clear and stay the fuck away from all the idiots talking on their phones, putting on makeup, stuffing their faces with ding-dongs and dorritos, or just generally having their heads up their asses. so, >90% of my fellow drivers at any given moment. it's safety thing, not a time thing.
  15. the other right? or maybe he's using the jt method.
  16. so it's warm, greasy, meat-flavored Gogurt? pass.
  17. I've still never been to Reimers. it's a bit of a journey from my house, and from what I've read about it, it's mostly flat and there's not a lot of shade. deal breakers for me, in general. I would be driving by a lot of primo (and free) trail to make it out there. maybe one day someone will shoot some cool vidyas of whatever gnar and funstuff it has to offer... freakin broke my helmet, apparently. no idea when it happened, but I noticed a crack in the styrofoam and gave it a wiggle to find out it goes all the way through the plastic cover. it's under the visor, too. you would think an impact there would get dissipated. best helmet I've ever had, in terms of comfort and durability of the pads. it's taken it's share of low branch hits, and it's 5 years old, but damn. $225 later...
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