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Everything posted by wd40

  1. re: wood projects much easier to build than to use. I should probably put a safety rope on it to keep from flipping over backwards, thereby allowing me to be a little more aggressive with it. a lot more of a physical workout than I thought it would be. I did manage hold a few manuals for 5-6 seconds, but only if I cheated and mashed on the rear brake once I got up.
  2. under Parmer on the Brushy Creek trail today.
  3. pretty fast, for a cauc-casian was that your stomach growling at 3:41?
  4. yes, I thought about asterisking my speed number, but I figured by now we all understand the error spread on GPS devices, particularly phones, which is all I have. the way I approach it is with relativity to previous runs. it definitely felt faster in places, but was obviously not the cleanest run. what was surprising is where it happened. usually my peak speed is coming into the trees of the jump into clearing, near the start (the first significant ramp). last couple runs, I've throttled it back up there because the ramp has gotten bigger, and the trail drops away from it. you can really get some sky under you on that one now, and I had a pretty good washout crash just before I got to the trees, several months ago. I like to be very sure about not touching the gravel on the outside of that bottom curve, now. this was maybe my third trip up there, since then. anyway, the peak speed yesterday was down in the middle, somewhere. probably on that g-out where I almost ate it. anyhoo, last data point(s) on the headband thing: my buddy who uses the headsweat actually had a halo on, today. in terms of performance to it's intended purpose (keeping sweat out of your eyes), he says the halo is more effective. the headsweat is more comfortable. so there's the trade-off. I find that the halo is most comfortable if you have the gutter strip positioned below the edge of your helmet, so it's not getting pressed into you head so much. this ends up putting the bottom edge of the neoprene halo band just above your eyebrows, which can feel odd, at first. I actually remembered this on the trail today when I noticed my head getting squeezed (and not between the thighs of some smokin' hot starlet).
  5. a buddy of mine uses one of those, too. I always assumed it would get saturated and eventually just let the sweat run on by. seems like I've seen him wringing it out. but the Halo does feel a little warm when you first put it on, and if you don't back your helmet off a couple clicks, it can definitely give you a squeeze. and that rubber diverter stays stamped into your forehead skin for a while, post-ride. so not perfect, by any means. maybe I'll try the headsweat thing.
  6. I use a Halo II, I think. the logo wore off. it's mostly neoprene but uses a soft plastic strip as a gutter to diver sweat outboard, toward your temples. works pretty well. better than a bandana, anyway. REI carries it. https://store.haloheadband.com/Halo-II-pullover-headband-p/hp.htm more trail mutterings for 2x, below. 14 seconds off my PR. the good news is my top speed improved to 26.2mph. sloppy run. I don't know if it's fear making things seem steeper irl, or the gopro just turns everything into a salt flat. funny and frustrating.
  7. what I learned today is that I need to get napolitos, fried onion strings, and some Heinz 57 back in my life.
  8. @KuЯdt 2x, to your carbon question, a buddy of mine is eyeballing the new aluminum ibis, which is a rarity for them. iirc, they were one of the early converts to carbon. I guess it's mostly to keep the price down, since everything else on bikes is getting so expensive ($1200 forks, wtf). I'm gonna ride metal as long as I can. to your colorful exhortation question, yes, all the time. today was the first time I went for that high mark around that tree. I messed up the line to get up the other side twice. the f-bomb was more for the effort to turn the gear I was in. here's another example (a minor rework of the last southy vid, now glute-free, but still Iggy). pissed that I chickened out on the huck (again) and took the corkscrew route down and around it.
  9. hit some new stuff today, in an old area. re-learning how to jump, per the video KuRdt posted a couple pages back. some hits, some misses. kinda ready for the gyms and whatnot to open back up. the local parks are pretty crowded, right now.
  10. bet it was like my first one. nothing to hold the foam together but two spandex panels joined by some mesh over the middle.
  11. oh c'mon. they were great for hooking vines and bushes at speed. my first mtb was a Trek 820. great for riding to campus and back. put a Rock Shox Quad 21R fork on it and thought Imwas a badass. did Walnut once with a couple coworkers. first real trail ride. that was fun. then we went and rode City Park, and I was hooked for life.
  12. G650 just came. old school geo is different, for sure. rode my SS on trail for the first time in a while, last week. couple near-miss OTBs on some tight switchbacks. it's become prettymuch a training bike, last few years. strictly road. but I did pick up a replacement for the Baldwin EXO rear, so it may see some more dirt, soon. 5 straight days of trail. gonna hit Colorado Bend with the fam tomorrow, bikeless. maybe catch some fish.
  13. you gonna get roofied. don't get married to that cash. NO ONE in a real estate deal has your interests in mind except you. that includes the inspector (unless he's your dad or somebody, maybe). they are there to get paid. they're all scum and should be filleted. but that might be the cazadores talking. I'm saying the roof is probably just the tip of the iceberg. and I agree with Luke on the quality of the job you can expect from getting the seller to do it. also, if COA, you might check for open permits on the property. I could tell you a funny story, but it would only have a happy ending if EVERYONE WORKING FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT WAS SET ON FIRE HAHAHAHHAHAHA FUCK THEM. wait what? was that out loud?
  14. she's just getting ahead of the crowd on panic-buying electricicles.
  15. this like a jazz composition, what with all the layers and complexity, and all. but still a unified, cohesive whole. call it "Kind of Cheese".
  16. well, I have some good news for you: I don't see your name anywhere on the guest list, "nuggy".
  17. this is borderline 'lately shit', but I think the absence of greenery qualifies it here. Braf's sammich upthread reminded me I haven't offended my wife with sauerkraut in a while, so I picked some up, along with some knackwurst. I backfilled my homemade curry ketchup stock recently (for which I expect to be crucified), and wanted to test drive it. dinner a couple nights ago on what Trader Joe's generously refers to as "hotdog buns". wife bought them. I'm just taking out the trash. wandering the internet for knackwurst ideas, I came across a thing called a sailor sandwich. attempted one for lunch today. pretty good, except I used sauerkraut instead of the peppers I didn't have. SIPing, and whatnot.
  18. Thanks. and thanks for the superview tip. I think I do like it better than linear. Crystal is semi-public. Crystal Falls subdivision contracted with some pros to build it. there's no pay or sign-up or anything like that. it's definitely not Freeride512. more family oriented, I guess you could say, but there are a couple side loops that require a little more focus. it connects to a trail owned by Travisso subdivision that ends at 1431, but that trail is closed due to new road and utility construction. CF is an out-and-back, about 9 miles, round trip. best part about CF is it rides very well in wet conditions. there are a few spots that are permanently wet. on one of the side loops (to the left of the big mulch field we jumped onto from the deadend road) there are a couple wooden bridges that are like ice when wet. otherwise, no mud to speak of and good traction.
  19. they sink a spent menthol butt in every can
  20. cool vids, Braf! everyone gets to learn about the camel dong dangle the hard way. it's like an initiation ritual for mountainbike youtubers. I have to say, I've been getting a lot more saddle time since this whole SIP thing started. more of my friends are on more flexible schedules, so we can knock out lunchtime rides. Sunday south, catted around on Wednesday, got thumped on Thursday evening, (went fishing on Friday) and did Crystal this morning (superview test video uploading, as we speak).
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