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Everything posted by wd40

  1. that's what is known as a bigothang eatchoass. good luck
  2. same thing for me, as far as the pain. I had my buddies grab a couple cedar sticks nearby and I splinted it with those and a couple spare tubes and jerseys. one guy knew where there was an abandoned wooden bridge off the trail, so they found that and carried me out on it like stretcher. that was pretty scary, as tippy as it was. fortunately, we were pretty low on the hill, and only about 100 yds, as the crow flies, from the trailhead. my wife came and took me to the ER, and my friends ferried my bike and truck home, after their ride. good thing we were kind of a big group, that day. the worst part was when I had a reaction to the pain meds (dilaudid) in the middle of the night. itchy all over, dry-heaving. not sure why they switched away from what was working. but they couldn't give me anything else for a while, for some reason, so I had to ride it out. that's when it really hurt. oh, the on-call ortho surgeon didn't want to have anything to do with it, except call whoever I wanted to do it. very glad to have had a choice.
  3. yuck. wheelie practice is definitely a good application for flats. I can't find the redacted xray pics of my tibia, but I posted the on the old site. this one probably freaks me out more. shortly after getting home from the hospital (you can just see the tape over the sutures).
  4. I don't feel like I can trust futureman. how can he be the future if he doesn't speak 100% in the past tense?
  5. +1 clipped. so much easier to work the bike though the rock gardens and twisty stuff. only one guy in our crew runs flats, and that's mainly budgetary, as he's recently getting back into it. I wish I had the skill to ride flats and be as connected to the bike as I am clipped. I guess it's just a choice of which bones you're ok with breaking when things go south. I blew up my tibia putting a foot down when I stalled out on a skinny. if I'd stayed clipped, it would have been an arm or collar bone. I run Shimanos now. I've run egg beaters and Times in the past. (XTR) Shimanos are my favorite. I had some cheap Shimanos years ago when I first went clipless, and they kept having metal fatigue issues. broke one preriding at Lajitas. that sucked. got lucky that someone had an extra (worn out) piece to fix it. better than nothing. speaking of finessing the bike: we had a fun, if moist, ride this morning. same hill as the 031013 video on page one, to give you an idea of the terrain. always good to change it up from that wide-open Enduro stuff. different kind of sketchy.
  6. also, lol at Burnt being "a tad" OCD.
  7. in order to keep my family's natural defenses energized, I feel a good tactic is to maintain diminished air quality in the house. so I had a little after dinner snack while I was finishing up some work: leftover refrieds and chips, drizzled with chipotle tabasco and that habenero sauce that coms in a little bag. sorry about the plate. I'm saving my few remaining paper ones in case I need them to wipe my ass, during this crisis.
  8. magic mushroom thread is <-------
  9. fixed for inevitability. 2x, unless it's getting in your head about whether your wheel can take the punishment, and thereby diminishing your confidence on the trail, I would just fix the one you have. is there something wrong with your front wheel? seems like all the issues are in the back, which is not surprising given the torque load on top of just bouncing over stuff on the trail. so if you decide to replace anything bigger than a spoke, that's all I'd do. your front should be fine. if having the match is the most important thing, you're more interested in fashion than riding. I'm not familiar with those AC wheels, but just for grins, I went to prowheelbuilder and spec'd out the same rear wheel I built myself for my current bike, but set it for them to build. I assumed Boost, which is a $16 adder to the hub. I also assumed you don't need micro spline (no upcharge, anyway). not feather-light, but smooth and bomb-proof, my dude. ships by 3/31. a new brake rotor would be another $30. I don't recall different hub colors were an upcharge, but I didn't look beyond my default, black. on your ladder drop question, you are correct. it's not a ramp, though. it's just a flat thing you ride off the end off. minimal skill involved, just rocking back so's not to nose-dive. you can practice on curbs. land your rear a split second ahead of your front. the difference to higher drops is having a little time to adjust while in the air.
  10. sorry I missed it.
  11. agree. they need to take another look at this guy.
  12. getting better. still chickened out on the big red ladder drop, tho. was kinda tired, kinda felt like I pushed my luck enough for one day. one day, I'll make a really good video of this place.
  13. hi I was having some knee pain and instability about 10 years ago. at the time, I was increasing my mountainbiking a lot. the instability was mild, and I'd been dealing with it for a long time. for example, if in a frog stance, if I rocked one way or the other, it felt like it was just gonna give out. pretty sure that was from dislocating it at work back in the early 90s. it popped right back into place, so I just went on and said nothing. but it popped out a few more times much easier, after that. creepy but whatever. anyway, it was the pain keeping me up at night that sent me to see an ortho. highly recommended doc, at the time. I think he's out of that biz, though. last I heard, he's into some alternative treatment methods that I've heard are hitormiss. so I had the meniscal surgery. did PT with their in-house team. pain wasn't going away. I asked the PT and she said, "oh, your IT band is probably tight and pulling your kneecap out of place. here's a foam roller." and walla, the pain went away. so, did it help? yes. it definitely solved the stability issue. it was NOT the cure for the pain. remember: the MRI order is a loaded question. 'look for possible meniscal tear'. well, whadiya know... also, once you start down that path, be careful you don't get addicted to regular 'clean-outs'. a buddy of mine did that. bone on bone. gym rat, too, so lots of power lifts and whatnot. had his knees replaced before 50. I know a great PT guy. supposedly, you no longer need a scrip to see a PT. he's awesome, but he's a one-man show. no billing dept. pay for service, and he'll give you the codes to for you to file for reimbursement with your ins company. as far as surgeons go, I can rec Joshua Fox. he rebuilt my other leg after I shattered my tibial plateau. 16 screws and a plate. cool guy, very honest, I thought. good luck. ps. lay off the pistols. split squats worked great for me without the extreme pressure on the joint surface that the pistols seemed to produce. jmho.
  14. did my usual Brushy bit this morning. kinda moist up there, so cut it a little short. I did see a new drop they're building. holy shit. made my hands sweat, just looking at it. big gap huck. I guestimate it being about an 8' drop, at least at the moment, but I think they're not done building up the LZ which is still pretty flat. they had some twigs laid across the launch pad, sort of suggesting it's not yet open. Buck, Gnargasm's really not that bad. fairly high penalty for failure, sure. but like I said above, if you focus on where you want to go, and not where you are and what could go wrong, you'll be just fine. it's just the same 8-10" width you keep your tires between on flat ground. just keep rolling.
  15. dumb question amnesty requested: what if you keep location services turned off, cellular data off, wifi assist off, and are not logged in to any google-related accounts? does that keep you out of these edragnets?
  16. yup. and College Roadhouse just south of there is a hidden gem. area is much sketch, after dark, tho.
  17. gentlemen and/or possible ladies, can we please give this discussion the seriousness it deserves? I believe the clinical term is panniculus.
  18. pretty breezy day down here, too. I found myself simultaneously aroused and horrified by this weather looks to be perfect for this weekend.
  19. what do we mostly use gifs for? the fact that Futureman is a soft g guy just confirms it's a troll job, all the way.
  20. yeah, that's kinda the point. I did two other lines from the top in preride mode: Jaws and Sweet Skull, marked black diamond and blue, respectively. after seeing those, Flow Track would be a 'green'; and it was for most of it's length. I could just relax and hammer it, floating the table tops and small gappers. then it crossed a jeep road. iirc, this was the first ttf after that. maybe the second. after the crash, I walked back uphill. at about the base of the launch ramp, off to the side in the shade, was a little laminated paper sign that had some down arrows and 'caution' on it, stapled to a stick and spun around backward so that if you even saw it, you couldn't read it. a big rocky death gap was the last thing I expected to find. if I hadn't hit the brakes, I'm pretty sure I had enough speed to clear it, assuming I could avoid a mid-air freak-out. and I'm older than your mom.
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