yeah, it's a young man's sport, for sure.
instead of parking lots, why not just bike to run errands or around the neighborhood? attack it like an urban assault. track stand every stop sign. hop up on the sidewalk (assuming no peds) to get out of the way of over-taking cars. ride the curb tops like skinnies as far as you can. all fairly low-risk, but it keeps it interesting and teaches you stuff, plus miles.
2x, you probably already do this sub-consciously, but lately, during very low speed moves, I've become more aware of ratcheting the pedals back a half or 1/4 turn to get them in position for optimum power or to clear a ledge. it seems like an under-appreciated technique, but I find myself doing it a lot more than I realized. it gives you something to do for that split second at the crux of a hump, as well as good power to re-start/continue over the top.
anyhoo, today I took my bike in to figure out why my fork was at 140 instead of 160. being an old, I just assumed I had forgotten to get it converted almost 2 years ago when I got the p153, and bought a new air cylinder to finally do it. turns out I did have it converted back then. the internals were just so clogged with dirt, I was storing air on the negative side, and lost 20mm of travel. herpaderp.