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Everything posted by wd40

  1. no doubt, there are advantages to riding solo, but safety and progression generally among them. now that I've gone back to mostly soloing, I really like riding when I want, and where I want. but there's tech features I delete on solo rides nowadays; some I've done before but won't risk alone. which is fine, except bailing become habitual.
  2. have we covered filling out new patient paperwork, yet?
  3. yeah, learning the attack position is key. relaxed but purposful arms and legs to soak up the bumps but hold your line. look as fsr ahead as you can. if you're all puckered up and stiff, staring at uour front wheel, thats when you get bucked. heels-down will naturally shift your weight back (assume you're out of the saddle). only when it's REALLY steep to you need to worry about getting behind the saddle, esp with today's slack geometry and bigger wheels. you really have to work hard to endo a modern 29er. youtube has some good stuff, and 2x's advice above is pretty good. but the #1 theing to make you get better is to ride with others. hard to say fuckit when it means holding up the group and humbling yourself. you'll be surprised what you can do when you have company to passively push you. as far as Brushy, it's a great place to learn. easily navigable, and a nice mix of smooth twisty, and rocky chunk you find around here. rode it yesterday, actually. a pack of 30-somethings gawking at the Basket drop called me 'sir' as they apologized and scooted out of the way for me to hit it. Sir. me. jfc. anyway, based on prior Stravulations, over the last couple days, I did about 9 miles at Brushy (350' of climbing), and another 11 miles today at bcgb (>1600' of climbing). combined with a 2-mile (w/>200') run on friday to give my newly-arthritic thumb/wrist a break, I am freakin toast, right now. good start to the new year, tho.
  4. laugh all you want. but at least I don't stab myself in the knee with it, anymore.
  5. Surly, I jested. perfect traction today.
  6. oh, I redid the bcgb vid. my eyelids got heavy watching the first one with Soulhat. song has not aged well.. also redid the Leatherwood vid. got far enough away from all the tie die shit to get some clarity.
  7. I dunno, man. I kinda went through the same thought process, several years ago. I got some flats, some shin guards and decided I was gonna learn how to bunny hop, wheelie, etc. proper. I even did a lot of BMX bike research. ultimately, I decided I was too old for that shit. I lacked the time and flexible bones to invest in it. then one of my riding buddies who grew up in BMX convinved a couple of the guys to try it. one broke a a collar bone, the other got just generally fucked up on a jump on a race track. after that I felt pretty good about my decision to just dance with who brung me still, Mutiny Bikes had some really amazing and inspiring videos, many in Texas. there out somewhere still...I hope. found one
  8. longer than it takes him to heat bacon
  9. are you Brian Boitano?
  10. during holidays. vacations, or times you're together all day, about how many times a day do y'all say to your wife (in your head), "shut the fuck up"? since we got off the slopes a couple hours ago, I think I'm up to 8. seems like a lot, but maybe it's because I'm trying to read a book.
  11. I rarely drop mine more than a couple inches. which is to say never, unless I'm just sitting on it to shoot the shit with my bros, when I would otherwise sit on the top tube. same deal, I like knowing where it is, leaning on it at mid-thigh. I feel lost on the bike if it's slammed. just enough to get it out of the way. 2x, you might try RocknRoll Gold. it's been my goto for 15 years. a lot less dirt build up vs White Lightning and other waxy lubes.
  12. did she almost drive you crazy?
  13. I see ya got a hollered out log in that thar far. those rule. feh. a little dab (or six) 'll do ya
  14. to summarize:
  15. OP obviously has taken a couple boots to the head
  16. some men just want to watch the world burn
  17. huh. was wondering what happened to Zach de la Rocha.
  18. Brisket's apt description aside, this poutine concept intrigues me. anyhoo. going low-carb, tonight
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