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Everything posted by wd40

  1. the article is accurate. rules on leaders, hook size, etc. you say snag, but I think what you really mean is foul-hook. here's how we hooked up. to me, this is snagging because they're not feeding. you're hooking them in the mouth, but on the outside. maybe they react to the bright color, but not because they're hungry.
  2. just curious, what do salmon running upriver to spawn eat? sure, you're not 'matching the hatch', but you still have to execute. you still have read the water, put the fly on target, at the right depth, then wrestle 20+ lbs of fish to the net with a fly rod. I would absolutely love to get back out west and do the kind of fishing Colt's doing. but this definitely had it's own challenges and aesthetic appeal. but you're right. downtown is a circus. we fished the DSR, which has controlled access to keep it sane. much nicer area down-river, closer to the estuary. downtown DSR
  3. non-Colt is correct. Pulaski, NY, last fall. mostly king salmon, but a few steelhead. guide said my rig was way too light, and he wasn't wrong. smoked my drag on the first day. had to palm it, after that, which made it more fun, esp on the steelies. going back this fall, with a new reel.
  4. so Spider Mtn is pretty cool, but the have a lot of trail still to build. just 4 trails, but they're fun. I think my favorite is the double black. there's really only one scary rock garden on it, but it's the steepest trail out there which levels the playing field for me to keep up with the moto guys I was riding with. they're much better at looking far down the trail and picking the fasted lines into the turns. I'll get there, some day. I too have a lot of work to do. sorry, song's been in my head for a week, but it seemed appropriate.
  5. here's a Chas Parker I got for free from my dad who bought it for $5 at a garage sale in FL with the intention of making a few bucks off it at the scrap yard. it has not been restored, but the beer has been opened. works perfectly. here's a Scout 4 1/2 holding up a piece of 2x2' 1/4" plate to go on my square firebox. got it off eBay for about 30 bucks. Thanks for turning me into a vice nerd, Shank.
  6. great pics, gents! makes me want to go ride, except I'm sore all over---like from a car crash. got a decent nap, though. 2x: glad your feeling better. get out of your head. this place is fucking scary. but I can't get it out of my head. I hope I survive it. plays in hd, as usual.
  7. my wife didn't know that Jerry Lewis and Jerry Lee Lewis were two different people
  8. if I was you, I'd ride pedernales and hike bcgb from the Hill of Life entrance. it's the far end of the main trail, so gets less traffic. there's a spur with some awesome views off the big dog leg in the trail where it continues down to the creek.
  9. oops. yeah, I forgot how close Muleshoe is to the water. now that I remember, I think it was a little silty in spots the last time I was out there, back when my wife thought she might like to try trail riding (it was the anaerobics that killed it for her). I would agree on the Pedernales rec. always forget about that place. did all the enduro runs at FCCR about a month ago. that place is a blast. need to get back out there.
  10. AV covered it. Bicycle Sportshop is prettymuch it for rentals. Barton Creek is a huge network, but I would call it intermediate-advanced once you get off the main trail that follows the creek. on the weekends, the main trail gets packed with hikers, dogs and dogshit. be prepared to cross the creek several times if you want to do the main trail. based on stuff you've posted, I would recommend either Pace Bend or Muleshoe Bend. fun terrain, ease of navigation. last time I was out there, anyway. plus I think they still do XC races at PB so it has a well defined loop, as does Muleshoe. both are about an hour drive to get there, though. but there's a pretty decent bbq place (Opie's) right near Muleshoe. I've never been to Rheimer's, so I can't say anything about it. same for Slaughter Creek, but for what I know about it from a buddy who lives out there and rides it with his young son, it's probably too far to go for not much trail. Brushy Creek is probably also a hike for you, but is a good option. it has a wide paved path down the middle of it, with the creek on one side, and a hill on the other for the whole length. Deception is on the hill side. there is a trail that runs along the creek with lots of technical options, but is generally just fast, flowy hard pack. there is a flat loop between the sports complex entrance and Parmer Lane, bordered by Brushy Creek Road. you can probably get 10 miles without messing with Deception (which really isn't that bad---just rocky).
  11. this thread is like crack on so many levels
  12. I appreciate MCM. my only problem with it is my wife can't stop buying pieces off craigslist with the thought of restoring them. so we have 2 or 3 half-started projects, mostly out in the shed now, because I got tired of working around them in my garage. we had a chair like the ones in the OP, but it was kind of a dark purplish brown with chrome legs. it was comfortable, but it lived in the kids' room, usually filled with stuffed toys until she sold it for some reason. it was a good chair for reading to them.
  13. that is all yours, Gunga Din. I like to think I like the cold, but I think the novelty of those conditions would wear off for me real quick. that's one of those once every couple years 'epic' deals. but good use of the fat bike. couple from this weekend. pretty lame, really. first one I've been picking away at for a while but needed someone to chase for perspective. fortunately for me, he was blinded by cold wind tears, so I could keep up. still can't get out of my head for the gap jump at the bottom, but Holy Trinity as a substitute is a good bit of filler. second is just messing around at Brushy by myself on Saturday, since I'm old and can't sleep in for a 10am wheels down meet-up with a couple friends, both will play in 1080p
  14. wd40

    Shit My Kid Says

    my oldest (12nopics), instead of brushing her teeth and going to bed, starts randomly singing the opening high vocal line to "The Immigrant Song" to which I reply, already on the way down the hall to break up the bathroom party, 'I come from the land of the ice and snow from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow". to which she replied, "where did you hear that song?" me the same place you heard it from---the music saved on my phone. go to bed.
  15. Crazy Iris was a tiger in the sack, tho. Tryin' one, Astronaut Jones
  16. sounds more like tire clearance is tight and your getting some flex or something on G-outs that's causing tire rub. esp if you have a Maxxle, DT Swiss, or similar QR skewer, you might also want to check it hasn't loosened itself. re: eye pro fwiw, at AF, I ran clear lenses on my goggles and had no issues with things being too bright, and itnwas full sun most of the time. I refuse to spend pri$m money on mtb eyewear. gets scratch or trashed too easy. on days with even partial sun, I wear full shades. on cloudy or rainy days, I go orange or clear. I could go on a rant about the extinction of 'value' gear, but I won't. as usual, don't over-think it. go lighter on the shade if you're concerned about heavy sky coverage. with a visor helmet, it won't be a problem in areas of full sun. if you're that concerned with your pupils, you're not focusing on what really matters: the exit of the turn, body position, HAVING FUN, etc.
  17. Mapp, it's mine. I converted the Pike off my P111 to 160, migrated over my X9 drive train, XT brakes, and Hadley/Stan's Flow front wheel. I had to build a new rear wheel (also Hadley/Stan's) and threw on a set of Minion DDs. the only things that survived from the stock build were the shock and the dropper post. the bike rides well around here, aside from some tree gates and spots that the wider bars require a different line. I guess the good news with everyone going to wider bars, the trails are evolving to compensate with very little effort on my part. Stink, probably doesn't do you any good, as far as the drive, but they're opening up a lift-served trail in Burnet. Spider Mountain. I'll believe it when I see it. gonna have an Enduro race there this weekend. couple of my buddies are going. I don't have the time or patience. to me, that just means the usual places won't be as crowded. but I definitely need to keep AF or another on the schedule, every summer. just too fun.
  18. it's funny. the end clip was the first time I'd been to the drop zone. on the way there, the guy I was following said he would lead me over the C or D drop. ok, sure. then he heads over to the big one, and I say 'that's not gonna happen' and instead try to angle off to get him launching in profile. sorta worked. the thing about these places is they're designed for you to succeed. all you have to do is stay on the bike and off the brakes, and it flows perfectly. the hardest thing was the banked turns. lots of braking bumps on some of them, so it was hard (for me) to find a good line and just rail it. it got a lot better after I plushed out my suspension more. in the drop zone, the difference in the impact on landing between the A and C is negligible. the only difference is about a half second of air time. we were having beers afterward around the garage where we kept the bikes, and one of the trail crew came by, walking his dog. so we gave him a beer. really interesting perspective. he mentioned he got yelled at by his boss that morning for not getting over to fix a particular ramp where one of the test riders got bucked up over the front a bit. they got it down to a science.
  19. Angel Fire trip back in August. my first time on real lift-served trail. 3 days of that, then we did the South Boundary Trail. I need to get faster.
  20. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MDO0bHZBAl0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encryptved-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. get the one that attracts the most pussy
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvAnQqVJ3XQ
  23. I don't know if she even registers on Vic's scale
  24. the smoked brussel sprouts thing turned out pretty good. I was working all day, so not a lot of time to mess with it. just grabbed a random recipe off the web and approximated it (called for bacon so how bad could it be?). rib ldaf, but was not at all.
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