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Certifiably Surly
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TexArcher last won the day on December 7 2024

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40800 Surly 1%

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  1. That is an all-time wheel kick right there, good lord.
  2. This roster should be so much better than it is.
  3. Porter Moser is dressed like a gay game show host on coke.
  4. Petrosyan kicked the groin twice, complained about a low shot that wasn't, grabbed the fence, then got his arm destroyed. Satisfying.
  5. So, you're chiming in to let us know that you're sick of everyone else chiming in on this discussion forum where you have almost 6k previous posts?
  6. Nonsense. If a woman is assaulting a man, the man is allowed to defend himself. Now, a man should never, ever put his hands on a woman unless he absolutely has to. And he almost never does. But the idea that "a man can't hit a woman" is wrong. If she's hitting you, wrap her up and try to calm her down. From there, if she bites you or tries to knee the groin, you are well within your legal rights to knock her out. Being able to run away has nothing to do with anything.
  7. Yeah, my understanding is that you're better off, legally, punching someone in the face. Which is bizarre, because choking someone out to end the threat is generally a much better option than breaking their nose or jaw and them hitting the back of their head on a parking lot.
  8. I'm really looking forward to listening to all the MAGA idiots gush over this new nuclear deal after they pretty much called Obama a traitor for the last one and praised Trump for yanking us out of it. Now they'll suggest that Trump gets the Nobel Peace Prize for doing the same damned thing.
  9. I bet his dumb ass didn't even brine it before he sent it to Well Done Town.
  10. I'm a financial advisor and it never ceases to amaze me how little the average person understands basic things like retirement plans. Well over half the people I talk to have no idea how a Roth IRA works. And it's not just working class folks. There are plenty of all-the-way-wealthy folks who leave their money in cash and CD's because they don't know what else to do with it. It bottles the mind.
  11. Transportation, transformers, transistors, and translations will all be illegal by next Tuesday.
  12. Yep. We're handing China international supremacy on a silver platter. Which makes me wonder if China and Russia are in bed together. Everything Russia is making us do benefits China...
  13. Helpful hint, dipshit: if the cartels actually were in Canada, it would only be because your disgrace to burnt orange Fat Bastard clone with a tiny dick was unable to deliver on his campaign promise in 2016. Remember the wall that Mexico was definitely gonna pay for? So, what, did the cartels use the Mexican navy to get all the way up there? Also, all that border crisis shit you love to lay at Biden's feet for the last four years? Yeah, that wouldn't have happened either if your sweet potato tub of shit had delivered on literally his biggest promise to us. Misdirecting fucking liars, the lot of you. Fuck you in your smug fat faces.
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