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Certifiably Surly
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TexArcher last won the day on August 31

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  1. 58-yarder is the new 43-yarder. Jesus.
  2. I'm torn. I want Miami to lose all the time, but I also want them to keep winning so we can shit on their hopes and dreams in the playoff.
  3. Sorry, but the SPCA should immediately take that dog away from that fucking idiot.
  4. Um, Coach, your guy thinks that China pays the tariff on Chinese goods sold in the United States, and pretty much every economist is warning that he's going to tank everything because he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. You might want to pick literally any other topic.
  5. I think maybe 80% of them are intelligent, educated, and simply evil enough to abide all the bullshit from the fringe, or even use it to their advantage, as long as it keeps them all in power. Whatever soul or conscience the GOP had died with John McCain.
  6. B2. 40% of the electorate is a heavily-armed hive-mind under the control of some historically awful people who are just getting warmed up...
  7. I really need Pete to be president for 8 years before I die.
  8. Yeah, American media spins things to fit narratives that drive viewership or clicks. We all know that. That does not change the poll numbers (unless you think they're doctoring those?) or lessen any of the concerns I mentioned. I just think the "Kamala's gonna win and any poll that suggests maybe she's not is being reported in bad faith" is a little too easy. And when media pursues an agenda, it can use the truth to get there, too.
  9. Yeah, I keep hearing that here, and here only. This is also the only place I keep hearing that Kamala's got it in the bag. Literally everywhere else what I hear is more like, fuck, this is too close to call and there are some concerning numbers, like Trump gaining ground in key places, Kamala not winning the black vote by as much as Biden did, and the numbers I posted above. Plus, how much of Kamala's young polling will actually show up on election day? And how much voter suppression and other chicanery will the GOP get away with? Look, I hope you're right and I'm wrong, and I'm concerned for nothing, and she breaks 300 on his ass and we're all high fiving that night. But I don't know, man.
  10. CNN graphics right now: 63% of voters think Biden's presidency has been a failure. 49% of voters think Trump's presidency was a failure. This is frightening, and not just for this election.
  11. So you made a mistake playing him DB, Coach?
  12. Are you suggesting that not every 4-star QB is gonna win a Heisman?
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