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Certifiably Surly
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TexArcher last won the day on December 7 2024

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39,350 Surly 1%

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  1. Did I just see a grown man covered in mayonnaise hug another grown man in a mascot costume?
  2. I do. I also want it to be upside down.
  3. Of course he does. With truck nuts.
  4. The radical left made the FBI more concerned with DEI than with protecting America? That doesn't even make sense. He's just mashing up right wing catch phrases.
  5. Georgia just wasn't that great this year. They needed a bunch of SEC ref help, two turnovers, two missed field goals, and overtime to beat us. I'm inclined to agree that ND likely beats them anyway with Beck.
  6. Why, because they would've left the SEC champion out if they'd known about the injury? Does this guy not know the playoff expanded? Weird comment.
  7. Yeah, but we haven't played anybody and they have, so.
  8. Molly looks like she would do whatever Marcus Freeman asked her to.
  9. I find it interesting that the SEC did everything it could to keep Texas from winning the league as a newcomer, and now we're about to be the last SEC team standing in the semifinals. Think they'll root for us? Think they even understand that we ain't carrying their flag?
  10. I can get on board with us beating Notre Dame in a national championship game.
  11. Yep. The only time our defense looks vulnerable is when they're on the field the entire third quarter and they wear down every god damned week. Kudos to the AZ St staff for their ball control game plan from the start. But for the love of all things holy, if we don't start getting some first downs in the third quarter I'm gonna light my own house on fire.
  12. Yeah, the 4-touchdowns-to-0-and-we-won stats end the debate pretty conclusively.
  13. Yeah, they were pretty even until Quinn's last 3 throws were a pair of touchdowns and a 2-pt conversion and Leavitt's last throw was a pick that ended their season. Leavitt was right in a way -- he did show us who the better quarterback is. It just isn't him.
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