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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. These fucking idiots are arguing about their height and golf handicap.
  2. Pete, Booker, or Kamala would be handing this lying shitbird has ass right now. But they're too gay and too black, apparently. So we get to be a fascist country instead. We are turbo fucked.
  3. Sure, it is. That dog whistling piece of shit said what he said, then he tried to half-assed walk it back. He knew exactly what he was doing then, and so do you now.
  4. He said there were some very fine people on both sides. One side was white supremacists and Nazis. Your fact is bullshit.
  5. Trump just called Biden a criminal with a straight face. Fucking hell.
  6. I sure hope so. I know Trump isn't winning anyone over. My fear is that Biden might be convincing some folks to just stay home.
  7. Yes, he's lying his ass off. That's what he does. But he looks and sounds light years more coherent than Biden. The optics are a fucking disaster right now. And a lot of people will only get the highlights. Unfortunately, how they say it matters mote than what they say in this Cliff Notes attention span culture. This is a disaster.
  8. There you go, Joe! Every single thing he said is a lie. With examples. Let's go.
  9. Trump sounds great by comparison. The content is bullshit, as always, but he looks and sounds coherent, controlled, and sharp. Joe looks and sounds like he's out of his mind on pain meds or some shit.
  10. Joe needs to quit being full of shit on the inflation rate he inherited. Trump won that one. But, we got through Covid better than any other country?? Hammer that, Joe, come on...
  11. Get up, you fucking pussy.
  12. 4 minutes? Is that a metric system thing and it's like 11 minutes in American fucking minutes.
  13. Maybe we can salvage a point here. Should be at least 10 minutes more at even strength.
  14. Yeah, hope that cheap shot was worth it, Weah. God dammit.
  15. Fuck, man. Fucking fuck.
  16. Unnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg
  17. They better make this fucking bag man of a ref show that guy a yellow for simulation, too.
  18. Oh, that's a fucking dive! That's Neymar shit, man, come on.
  19. Well, that Nepalese village had better be content with 1 point that day. USA, motherfuckers.
  20. Robinson hustling his ass off out there.
  21. Yeah, that's standard for a red, but IIRC some fouls in England have been judged bad enough to get a 3-game ban. I think Weah will be fortunate to only miss 1 more, tbh. That was crazy stupid.
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