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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Wordle 914 4/6 ⬜⬜🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  2. And 269 elected officials who don't mind losing their next elections.
  3. As a financial advisor, I've been having this conversation for over a decade. Here's the version in my head before I put it in client-friendly language: Jesus Christ, SS is not going away. All this "OMG SS is running out of money!" stuff is fear-mongering political bullshit. The surplus is running out. The surplus only pays about 20% of the payout. That will have to be made up in other ways, obviously, and it will be. They will push FRA back for younger generations (which should have been happening in much bigger ways for decades), recalibrate the calculation (lower the payouts), and probably eventually raise taxes, and/or move money from programs that liberals like to SS. But they will never, ever kill Social Secuity. That is nothing more than red meat political stumping for the right wingers. They know damned well that they can't actually do it, and they don't care, because it riles people up and gets them votes, and no one holds anyone in office accountable to what s/he said while campaigning. Also, calling Social Security an entitlement program in the first place is part of the problem. They know that, too. And they don't care. Because every Republican since John McCain died has been completely full of shit, all the time. Every single person reading this will get their Social Security checks. If you're younger than 40, they might be 85-90% of what you thought, and they might start a year later, but you will get them.
  4. Nothing to add to this, but thanks for being a reasonable guest fan who's here to talk football rather than talk mindless shit. We didn't get a lot of that around here in our Big 12 days, so it's appreciated.
  5. The same, more or less. In both cases, the passing game is a concern, and neither has a defense that can keep us under 35 unless we turtle or turn the ball over multiple times. We should be favored by 3 to 6 over either.
  6. These ladies need to do a pregame talk for the football team on Jan 1.
  8. Jesus, that's a fuck you to the O line with 2 timeouts. It's more likely we get sacked again than complete one forward pass.
  9. Shit, did homeboy just break his leg?
  10. This offense is like Greg Davis made a baby with a monkey on crack.
  11. Man, this defense deserves a W. Come on.
  12. Bullshit completion on 2nd and 10. Fortunate that it didn't matter, but damn.
  13. Listen to this crowd! You can tell how much they love their Oilers.
  14. Everybody in the Titans organization can get thoroughly fucked by a gigantic flaming cactus.
  15. Josh Emmett legit almost killed Bryce Mitchell. Holy shit.
  16. I agree that women's MMA is usually snoozetacular. But these chicks just beat the everliving shit out of each other and I'd watch 3 more rounds of it right now.
  17. Weaver should get all of Horton's minutes, and his scholarship, to give to anyone he sees fit.
  18. This is a dumb post, and you should feel dumb for posting it.
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