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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. I was literally typing: Just kick the FG on 3rd down before you turn it over...
  2. I would divorce this game and give it half my shit.
  3. Good job, Louisville. Go get 7, one time, you worthless, overrated shitbags, come on.
  4. AKA Smear the He Has a Right to Love Whomever He Wants.
  5. This looks like a ruhtarded 8-year-old playing Madden.
  6. There's no way Michigan or Washington is the 4, tho.
  7. I mean, how is this any better than when Boise used to go 11-0 and everybody knew they'd be 8-3 in a real conference?
  8. Yeah, it's too bad this game isn't over already.
  9. Not sure I like Louisville's chances to get 3 more field goals.
  10. A century, not the century. Like maybe this is the game of the 13th century, when everybody was 5 feet tall and had the Plague.
  11. They deserve to get sacrificed to Oregon or Ohio St on New Year's Day.
  12. I really don't want to watch this second half, but I feel like I have to.
  13. I'd be more interested in the second half if these Dr Pepper Challenge kids were playing quarterback.
  14. Yeah, I can look like Justin Verlander if I'm pitching to a 12-year-old.
  15. I would seriously rather fight Stipe Miocic than watch this second half.
  16. Big 12 teams who could beat either of these teams: Texas Okie Lite ou K State Kansas Iowa State WVU Tech UCF
  17. Punter had a legit chance to be the MVP, and he uncorks that piece of shit. Everybody in this game should be cut.
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