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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. They deserve to get sacrificed to Oregon or Ohio St on New Year's Day.
  2. I really don't want to watch this second half, but I feel like I have to.
  3. I'd be more interested in the second half if these Dr Pepper Challenge kids were playing quarterback.
  4. Yeah, I can look like Justin Verlander if I'm pitching to a 12-year-old.
  5. I would seriously rather fight Stipe Miocic than watch this second half.
  6. Big 12 teams who could beat either of these teams: Texas Okie Lite ou K State Kansas Iowa State WVU Tech UCF
  7. Punter had a legit chance to be the MVP, and he uncorks that piece of shit. Everybody in this game should be cut.
  8. Yeah, it was Palmer who said that. He's the Florida State of broadcasters.
  9. So you're saying that if he caught it, it would've been a catch? That's some expert analysis worthy of this championship game.
  10. Texas and Bama would both absolutely gang rape this FSU team. They can't get in.
  11. I am 100% certain Surly could put together a team of 10 guys who could beat either of these teams.
  12. They don't even look like they should be in the FBS.
  13. This might be the worst football game I've ever seen.
  14. Yeah, the second guy who slid in is the one who's gonna get run.
  15. Florida State isn't one of the top 14, much less the top 4.
  16. I was just thinking that the Okie St team we just throttled could beat the winner of this game.
  17. Clearly both of these teams should head to the SEC with these defenses.
  18. Al Bundy's Polk High would fuck up both of these teams.
  19. Louisville defense is bringing heat and this kid looks completely lost.
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