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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Not a Cowboy fan, so generally staying off of yall's thread, but I need a place to post that Tom Brady sucks donkey ass in the booth and I'm enjoying something not going his way for once.
  2. Yeah, we had 23rd string RB's ripping off 8-yard runs in the 4th quarter. We can cover this. 63-10.
  3. Agreed on the smoke, especially if it's interfering with the game. But it's remarkable how far the overall presentation has come in the last few years. From Jetpack Guy to Drone Shows.
  4. Also, we might not be talking enough about how well Quinn and Arch have handled this situation. It's a credit to each of them and to the coaching staff. We legitimately have 2 of the top 10 quarterbacks in college football without really having a quarterback controversy. That's pretty remarkable.
  5. Yeah, I don't think that Arch option run is getting called against ou or Georgia.
  6. He's getting those odds because the casinos know some people are dumb enough to take them and he's going right back to the bench as soon as Quinn is healthy. As he should. Arch's talent level is almost shocking. But Quinn is the better all-around QB at this point, and it's really not close. Quinn does not take the sack from behind that Arch never saw coming last night. Quinn is battle tested in big games and Arch isn't. Etc. Arch is gonna be great, don't get me wrong. But Quinn is already there.
  7. Highly recommend the trophy room inside the North End Zone. You could skim it in 10 minutes, or you could easily spend an hour plus in there.
  8. Followed immediately by the over-the-shoulder touchdown pass to a guy who wasn't open. NFL throws, both.
  9. Just got back from DKR. This team is fucking good, y'all. How many teams in history could lose their starting QB and starting RB and still win the championship? Everybody come get some. Bring all your "OMG, is Texas back, snicker?" asses, line up, and get the shit slapped out of you. Let's go.
  10. "Refs gave us 5 losses so we wouldn't win the SEC instead of media darling t.u." -- texags, circa Dec. 15th of 2024.
  11. Jesus, my dick could've kicked it better than that.
  12. South Carolina seems like it sucks.
  13. Okay, I'll be the one to say it, I guess. That chick was 100% faking.
  14. And if you take investment advice from a guy named Mike Crispi in NJ, you and your money deserve to be parted.
  15. Rigged!! Overturn the debate!! Invade Philadelphia!!
  16. Riiiiiight, who would want Taylor Swift's endorsement when they can have Kid Rock's...?
  17. Having lived two decades in each place, I can assure you that Austin runs several degrees hotter than Houston in the summer and several degrees colder in the winter. It's also true that 100 in Houston is more uncomfortable than 104 in Austin, but it's not hotter.
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