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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Pretty sure they advised him not to do this one, but he did.
  2. Wait, communicable diseases have skyrocketed in Ohio because of Kamala Harris's boss's border policy, 1500 miles away? It's not because your state is a bunch of white trash shooting up with dirty needles to escape from living in the Hell that you helped run?
  3. "Kamala Chameleon" Oh, JD, you and your lifelike humor!
  4. Who did the other 7% have winning it? You guessed it. Frank Stallone.
  5. Apparently some black guys are now eating pussy. Developing story.
  6. He must be mad that they gave Trump so much extra time to hang himself with his own crazy??
  7. "Tim Walz and I are both gun owners" Building bridges! Come on over, moderate Republicans! All 7 of you, but yeah, come on.
  8. I have concepts of a plan! No, I won't say them.
  9. I feel really sorry for the folks trying to type the closed caption for this word salad bullshit he's spewing.
  10. I went to school with a kid who was only mildly retarded, and I am 100% sure that kid would beat Trump at checkers.
  11. Did she almost call him a fucker?? Or this fucking guy??
  12. Paying almost all of NATO, what a crock of shit, as usual.
  13. Putin's got nukes and nobody knows, lulz
  14. You're not running against Joe Biden; you're running against me. You're God damned right.
  15. I got you, fam. It will end with "and ou still sucks."
  16. This is like prime Mike Tyson beating up a 78-year-old retard, but with words.
  17. She is right up in his shit trying to draw out a "bitch," or, dare we dream...?
  18. The world's gonna end if Kamala wins, lmao. Spheres of Terrah!!!
  19. Orban likes me -- that's your response, you moron??
  20. Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people, and clearly he is having a very hard time processing that. World leaders are laughing at Donald Trump. Military leaders say you're a disgrace. Yeah, he's gonna pop..........
  21. Yeah, he's coming unglued. Last 15 minutes could be epic.
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