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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Man, I'm not saying we shouldn't be in over a 13-0 FSU. But I'll be absolutely fucking shocked if they win tonight and we pass them.
  2. There's just no way they're leaving out a 13-0 Power 5 champ for a 12-1 Power 5 champ.
  3. What's a defensive back supposed to do, Gary? Not maul the receiver, maybe?
  4. How do you forget to cover him, lol?
  5. Should, sure. But they're not leaving out a 13-0 ACC champ, if FSU wins. We need Louisville to take care of business.
  6. I've always liked Sark personally. As someone in recovery myself, I pull for him on multiple levels. But, I also had my doubts last year, as we blew a pair of 14-point leads. I criticized him, and I still believe it was warranted at the time. But he's really growing into this job, and fast. And what I saw today, when he had the presence of mind to get Brooks on the field as we were winning the conference? Man, that's my coach. I hope he's winning games here for a very long time.
  8. I love this team. And I like some of y'all. Conference Champs, man.
  9. Okay, that was fucking cool to get JB on the field. That's my coach right there.
  10. Rice, I guess? They seem to hate us the least. It's almost as if being rightly proud of their own school makes them not get butthurt that we're rightly proud of ours.
  11. Come on, man, no cosmetic points for these guys.
  12. I need at least one more TD and zero more injuries.
  13. Y'all have fun playing in Conference USA 2.0, you insignificant little nothings.
  14. Nice to see K Rob getting touches and touchdowns.
  15. Now Baxter's head butting people. Nobody whose name I know by his number needs to be in this fucking game anymore.
  16. Worthy fails to get a first that was there and now he's hurt again. God dammit.
  17. Looked like a knee to his hip. Something that smarts for a few, but isn't an actual injury??
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