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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Louisville by 14 and start game planning for Georgia or Michigan??
  2. Hell yeah, defense!! Go get 7 more. No fucking mercy.
  3. Whichever one of y'all just asked for some run blocking, say it some more when we get the ball again!
  4. Because you saw American Pie like everybody else?
  5. I didn't know Nelly was still alive. Good for him.
  6. Sure, but he shouldn't have fucking had to.
  7. I mean, I'm 47 years old, and I probably average 3 or 4 games a week, and that is the worst call I've ever seen. No shit. We got to the line with 19 seconds on the play clock, and Okie St was allowed to use them all to substitute, then the ref put the ball in play with 0 on the clock. What utter horseshit.
  8. That delay of game is one of the worst calls I've ever seen.
  9. You've got to be god damned kidding me!! They held the ball there for like 15 seconds then gave us delay of game?? That is completely wrong.
  10. LOL at trying to make this worth reviewing. Cry more. We're gonna hang a 70 today.
  11. Patience. It'll be 49-14 eventually.
  12. Bro, you just got trucked by 160 pounds.
  13. Just barely legal, but that's a great block.
  14. They can't cover him at all, man.
  15. I don't mind J Whitt re-emerging in the offense one bit.
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