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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. If we go get 7 more, I'm puling my dick out. You have been warned.
  2. Malik Muhammad is my guy, man. Crazy how many plays he makes.
  3. Can we talk about how great Quinn's throw was, on the run?
  4. Amateur ass conference, good riddance.
  5. Gonna be on you all day, son. LFG.
  6. Appropriate avatar is appropriate.
  7. Warren Zeiders, a country artist from PA. He has some good music but he isn't for everyone. Well, he's as good at singing as ou is at not sucking.
  8. Who is this redneck butchering the anthem? Christ, man.
  9. They can't stop what's coming.
  10. FSU isn't actually going to play Rodemaker, are they? This 50/50 business is just to make Louisville prepare for two QBs, right?
  11. He's not for me. While he sometimes offers good insights, ESPN has been trending downward ever since it decided to make Stephen A Smith a star, and McAfee makes that trend worse. Whatever happened to the guys who knew sports and were funny?
  12. Yeah, Tim, the SEC Championship is more intense than the National Championship. Sure.
  13. This WWE/Big 12 stuff makes me even happier to be leaving this joke of a conference.
  14. I'm on my balcony in a Longhorn hoodie, drinking coffee, watching the burnt orange sunrise, and thinking god damn, what a beautiful day to win a championship.
  15. Wordle 896 3/6 ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟩 ⬜🟨⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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