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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. You unbelievable fucking idiots
  2. As nerve-racking as this is, it's fucking amazing to have so many big games to watch that affect Texas, this late in the season, finally.
  3. Get your shit together, Florida.
  4. Don't take the practice kick, vol. 284.
  5. I didn't say UGA should get in over us in that scenario. I said, "What if..." You're not wrong that we'd have a top 4 resume in that scenario. But you are wrong that those criteria guarantee that the committee would select us. Otherwise, we'd already be ahead of Oregon right now, as multiple people have pointed out to you. I'm done talking to you, dude. Enjoy the game.
  6. Okay, but we had an identical record with the SoS advantage before this weekend. And Oregon is ahead of us. So, your criteria are obviously bullshit. That's what they say they go by. But they do whatever the fuck they think sounds right. So die on that hill of incorrectness if you want to, but don't call other people names while you do it.
  7. Then why aren't we ahead of Oregon right now? Two of those criteria that apply: SoS and common opponent, and we have both. But Oregon's ahead by the ol' eyeball test. And maybe be less of a pompous ass when you answer... Look, I'm just being a worried fan who isn't used to things going our way. It may not actually be as cut-and-dried as it oughtta be. See also, 2008 Rig 12 tiebreaker, etc.
  8. I hope we win big, then Sark takes the trophy and refuses to shake Yormark's hand.
  9. It matters if they don't drop UGA out of the top 4. I'm not saying that's reasonable. We'd still have a conference championship and a win over the team that just beat them. But, S-E-C.......
  10. Okay, what if Bama beats UGA by 3...?
  11. So, all we need is Florida tonight, then either Washington beats Oregon or Iowa somehow beats Michigan. Right?
  12. TexArcher

    Apple Cup

    What an awful rigged call.
  13. LOL at Gordon going full soccer flop trying to draw a flag. Pussy.
  14. Um, Wazzu just got the ball back, tied, just inside of 5 mins.........
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