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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. And that ball's 5 yards beyond the receiver -- that cannot possible be DPI! Call it defensive holding if you just want to fuck Houston, but it *can't* be DPI.
  2. That's not DPI. And the fucking color guy says, "Classic pass interference. Usually you let that one go, but..." Which is it, dickhead?
  3. Maaaaaan, if they lose this 21-20 or anything like that.......
  4. Wordle 890 3/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟩⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  5. Fuck's sake. Illegal motion should literally never happen in the NFL.
  6. I would love to hear the voice mail they left Dabo, that he never returned. "Coach Swinney, this is the Texas A and M Fightin' Aggies. We like how you've made the most of a small fish opportunity there, and if you're ready to move up to one of the game's true blue bloods, we'd be happy to give you a 12-year trial contract and literally any amount of money you want, and zero oversight on our part..."
  7. Holy shit, did they actually call Sark?
  8. Over/under on when aggy hires Tom Herman = 2027.
  9. Kansas would fuck Florida as hard as they wanted to.
  10. LOL at blocking by bear hugging around the waist from behind because you know you can.
  11. You unbelievable fucking idiots
  12. As nerve-racking as this is, it's fucking amazing to have so many big games to watch that affect Texas, this late in the season, finally.
  13. Get your shit together, Florida.
  14. Don't take the practice kick, vol. 284.
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