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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Marvin Harrison, Jr is the football version of Kevin Durant at Texas. You can't do anything about it.
  2. Yeah, this one only takes one angle, 5-second review. I'm not sure why that isn't done automatically while the ball's being spotted.
  3. Yep. Tied possession goes to the receiver, and the plane was broken after making a football move. The fact that the ball got ripped out right the plane was broken is irrelevant. Touchdown.
  4. Indeed. Worst thing for us is a 3-point game either way.
  5. They didn't get fortunate with that call. They got not fucked with that call.
  6. That's a touchdown, give me a break.
  7. Agree that we'd beat both of these teams.
  8. Wordle 889 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟨🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  9. Pretty much everyone who knows college football history thinks that. But, back to the game. Buckeyes have the home run threat and the coach who isn't likely to lose the game with jackassery, so, Ohio St by 7, maybe 10.
  10. Michigan has 9 national titles the same way aggy has 3. Everything before 1936 is bullshit, and only bitch schools try to count them.
  11. This feels so good, y'all. God damn.
  12. I always thought the roads were a metaphor for STD's?
  13. Yeah, I don't think it helps our resume that much to avenge the loss, since we already have the best resume of all the one-loss teams, because we have the best SoS, the best win, and the best loss. Either that matters, or it doesn't. And we need an undefeated to go down either way. Also, fuck ou. I don't even want them in position to get the runner-up award.
  14. Proud of these guys. Go get that conference championship, gentlemen.
  16. Die, Big 12. Die without us and those motherfuckers to the north. You hate us so much, and you are gonna miss us when we're gone. You insignificant little nothings.
  17. This is amazing. 11-1 and headed to the CCG. The Big 12 did everything they could to stop us, and that prick Yormark pretty much gloated about it, and we got there anyway. I don't think our guys think they can be beaten by anybody in the country right now. And they might be right.
  18. Ahhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the whole team got to celebrate in that fucker's face, lmaooooo
  19. Fuck, Wisner's gonna win a Heisman, too.
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