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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Die, Big 12. Die without us and those motherfuckers to the north. You hate us so much, and you are gonna miss us when we're gone. You insignificant little nothings.
  2. This is amazing. 11-1 and headed to the CCG. The Big 12 did everything they could to stop us, and that prick Yormark pretty much gloated about it, and we got there anyway. I don't think our guys think they can be beaten by anybody in the country right now. And they might be right.
  3. Ahhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the whole team got to celebrate in that fucker's face, lmaooooo
  4. Fuck, Wisner's gonna win a Heisman, too.
  5. I think we get fucked hard in that situation. The argument will be that Bama is better now than they were then and they would beat us now. Nevermind that we're better now, too.
  6. Yeah, no one's gonna watch the Big 12 next year.
  7. Come on guy, no cosmetic points for these losers. Finish.
  8. You just got slammed by a 150 pounder, Jesus Christ.
  9. Foot in the gas, Sark. Fuck their feelings. You'll never see them again. Hate fuck 'em.
  10. My dick is harder than a diamond right now.
  12. Hey, Tech -- y'all still wanna play every year after we leave? I mean, the answer's still no. But now you're okay with it, right? You fucking suck. Stick to Baylor and TCU.
  13. Did they fire the cannon before he even kicked it, lol?
  14. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Bury these fools!!!!!
  15. Aw, man, this sucks. All the best to ya, young man.
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