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Certifiably Surly
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Zepol87 last won the day on November 3 2019

Zepol87 had the most liked content!


9,494 Surly 1%

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About Zepol87

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  1. I passed that earlier when they were setting stuff on the bridge, it was a fuck ton of people
  2. Damn I forgot the Jimmy saga was a still a thing
  3. Just checking in and saying fuck this shit again. Worst fucking sports feeling I’ve had in a long time.
  4. Yea I have tickets. Fuck this shit getting next to nothing for Luka is criminal
  5. Damn I liked this and damn I forgot everything
  6. Sounds like I need another Tijuana trip to get this back on track
  7. Damn, RIP Mr Brisket. Sorry for your loss
  8. Did the Whole Foods 1 dollar oyster thing yesterday and grabbed a couple
  9. Just watched The Lost Children and damn the story is crazy. I am high on some edibles but I want to read more about it. Amazon jungle as a human sounds insane for that amount of time
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