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Everything posted by Zepol87

  1. Any brunch recs by the wharf? Staying at Westin St. Francis this weekend. Visiting some friends in Napa and hitting Santa Clara Sunday for Levi’s stadium since I’ve never been. So pretty packed time wise but Saturday morning I’m free
  2. Zepol87

    USMNT 2024

    Yay a W… always cool to see the field trash talk never leaves. Soft ass shit
  3. Yea it sucked. I could tell my cousin was bummed out we had a chat yesterday about Xmas trip we are planning.
  4. Lightning is kind of dog shit, just wanted to pop in and say that
  5. It’s been a week a this shit is insane. What the hell is gonna for 4 years
  6. On episode 4, how did Tebow, Meyer and Bill skate on this shit?
  7. Last 6 months, went from 267 to 242. More salads more working out more sex, also had a solid 5 week bender. Eat well and move
  8. Complete meltdown by the Texans in the second half
  9. Que onda perro, going in tonight in East LA
  10. Holy fuck that was close
  11. It’s fucked and I’m fighting every trumper at thanksgiving
  12. Honestly though who gives a fuck anymore? Trump winning again is a real kick in the nuts. I’ve never known my friends to give this much of a shit about politics and we got fucked. After caring this much and losing I doubt many care ever again
  13. Last night bacon wrapped chili dogs hit. Grilled onion and jalapeños with an extra topping of raw onions. Woke up in an unpleasant way this morning
  14. Yes migrants you are welcome here as long as you make shit pay and go shit work for me and then I’ll think about citizenship
  15. Focus on the real issues migrants and supporting Russia. I don’t get it the economy thing doesn’t check. I’m a surly poor but 401k been doing great and salary pretty good
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