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Posts posted by Zepol87

  1. It’s always been ok to be a Democrat in Austin and certain parts of the other Texas cities. But, in many suburbs and smaller towns, you couldn’t admit voting for a Democrat without being a social outcast. It’s prevented any real organization, fundraising, or even campaigning in those areas. Until Beto. This is the first time that we see people in these dark red areas openly putting signs in yards. Is it a fad or the beginning of the end for solid republican rule? Time will tell I guess.

    My parents live in Decatur and they might be the only Democrats in Wise county.
  2. Last minute trip to Minneapolis for a soccer tournament in Blaine.
    intercontinental hotel in downtown St. Paul and commute or nah?  It’s cheap on Priceline.
    Where should I stay - definitely not stay?
    anyone have any Schwanns cup tips?

    You here for the Swans USA tournament? Hit me up if you have time for beer.
  3. This almost feels like its own thread. "When you die, and they turn your ashes into a record, what song will it play?" I'm going with Bohemian Rhapsody

    Not a bad idea.

    Damn the last dozen or so are so solid
  4. Do you guys pat each other on the back for following soccer year around? I have noticed that with soccer snobs that are friends with me. Every time the World Cup come around, they let it be known they follow soccer year around. Newsflash, no one really cares. Soccer is not a major sport here in this country. So yes, casual fans will show up for this tournament. It's 1 month every 4 years. Y'all guys are equally as bad as the "non-fans". It's like the guys telling us they used to listen to a band years before they became mainstream. 

    No issue with casual fans at all. It's the douches that talk out of their ass like they are experts that annoy the shit out of me
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